Thursday, March 31, 2005
Wednesday, March 30, 2005
Rain drops keep fallin on my head...
Because I'm free.
Nothing's worrying me.
I've got that song stuck in my head for some reason. I didn't hear it on the radio or see it in an ad or anything, it just popped into my head yesterday and refuses to leave. Oh well, at least it's a nice song. *whistles tune*
Exam progress so far has been pretty good. I've got English Advanced paper one and two out of the way. I'm glad they were both pretty straightforward and simple. Didn't write as much as i would have liked to but that's what happens when you rely on bullshitting instead of actually analysing the texts. Of the three extended responses i had to write only one was damn boring (Emma and Clueless = yuck). The other two were transcripts of a TV interview and a conversation between two friends which did leave room for some creativity and humour (both of which there isn't nearly enough of in exams).
Tomorrow will not be so pleasant or as funny. There can only be so much humour in a maths test. Three hours... conics... complex numbers... graphs... Just thinking about it makes me want to scream and cry at the same time. Hopefully, i get a better mark than i did in the last 4u maths assessment (trust me, it couldn't get much worse).
After that, i've got Physics on Friday, 3u Maths on Tuesday and Extension English on Wednesday. I should be able to coast through those with minimal trouble and then i can take a nice (un)earned 2 week vacation.
As of now, i am feeling both stressed and happy at the same time. Happy because the holidays are almost upon us again and because i have a nicely booked up holiday timetable. Stressed because of exams and because everybody else is exuding incredibly negative energy.
Study hard and try not to stress too much cause you lose sleep, grow pimples and become wrinkly. Doctor's orders.
Sunday, March 27, 2005
F*cking Exams!
I can't study because i am bored. I am bored because i can't focus on studying. It's a bloody vicious cycle and i swear i should have picked more interesting subjects *glances sideways at parents*
Anyway, i should get back to studying.
Wait, scrap that thought. I should get back to trying to study.
Friday, March 25, 2005
"...late showers on Wednesday".
It was only nine;
we already carried the stench of rain
The bus offered some relief
for sardines out of water.
Early alightment:
Now begins the adventure.
Lost in Autumn rain
like a frenzied tsunami,
never running the the right way.
Dampened and windswept
umbrellas, water logged feet.
These were out tattoo.
We never saw the coast;
only a thousand ships; black sails
raised in mock salute.
Thursday, March 24, 2005
This zombie like frenzy (think Dawn of the Dead) would all be well and good if we were consuming monolithic piles of the stuff for something that remotely resembles a purpose. If Easter really is about Jesus being crucified (I love that word) and coming back to life, shouldn't we all be eating chocolate crosses instead of eggs? "But eggs represent new life and birth, just like the rebirth of Jesus". I must have missed the bit in the Bible that said "and so Jesus popped his head out of the egg and said to mankind...". And this business with the Easter bunny... once again, "Rabbits breed fast and are therefore representative of rebirth". Is there anything about Easter that isn't symbolic of rebirth? Once again, with the Bible as my reference, I'm assuming that the Virgin Mary was indeed a virgin and (hopefully) a human. Rabbits, on the other hand, are certainly not human and the phrase "breeding like rabbits" does tend to suggest that they are anything but virgins.
So then, why do we consume eggs at the same rates rabbits fornicate? One word, "media". The media make us do all sorts of incredibly dumb things, mostly buying stuff we already have or stuff we do not have because we do not need them. This includes chocolate by the truckload. The media and it's ugly cousin, commercialism, are to blame for the demise of Easter. Instead of going to church for Easter Sunday mass, we go to the Royal (pain in the ass) Easter Show. Instead of fasting for lent, we stuff ourselves silly.
What I find most disturbing about all this is the apathy with which the Church is treating the matter. Instead of fending off the crass commercialism of their most important celebration (after Christmas because you can't have rebirth without birth), they are sitting by and watching as the sheep follow a new cult. I passed a Church the other day and noticed that there was a banner out the front informing people of the times for Sunday mass. Sure as hell, there was the Easter bunny's face all over the banner. Has it really reached the stage where we're worshipping a bloody rabbit? If you want to bring conspiracy theories into this, i might say that the Churches started this whole religion knowing full well that it would be commercialised and their apathy stems from the deal they cut with Cadbury, Darrel Lea and company.
Conclusion? Easter isn't about the crucifixion (love that word) of Jesus and his resurrection. It's all about chocolate, blood thirsty children, the birth of chickens and the breeding season of the humble rabbit. Considering how much Easter has changed over the years, i think it is only appropriate that we change the name. Happy You-just-got-raped-by-Cadbury-month!
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
Sometimes you just know when somebody is lying to you. "You did very well" said the teacher who i did the roleplay with. Sure, any other time i would have believed it, but considering she spent more time going "eettooooo..." than i did, i don't. She looked kind of disappointed especially since I blew the prepared report out of the water. But she was soo ultra nice that i couldn't just say, "Stop bullshitting me woman. I know i f*ked it up". Although by that stage, my throat was so dry from the stress and oncoming flu and i was feeling so demoralised that i could barely speak at all. But you know what? The sun was almost shining when i got home. Mayeb the sun was trying to make my day some what less miserable.
to find 18 down,
sit at Jesus' table
and learn origami
left eye needs scratching;
allergic to my right.
One of them has changed.
Monday, March 21, 2005
Or maybe i'm waiting for something... someone... elusive....
Yesterday - a dream that makes you wonder if it was a dream
Now - the collision of the unchangeable past and the unknown future
Tomorrow - something that doesn't exist
Hatred - the only thing that doesn't need to be justified
Love - the only thing that can not be justified
Fascism - crazy in theory, but wonderful in practice
Communism - wonderful in theoy, but immensely flawed in practice
Clown - somebody that entertains people through the use of stupidity
George W. - the proper occupational title for 'clown'
Sunday, March 20, 2005
Bitter Coffee
a note, "i love you so much...",
bitter coffe; cold
When you get incredibly bored, your mind starts to wander around and all sorts of odd thoguhts come to mind. Like today, i was sitting in a lecture about writing poetry and it was damn boring. First thing that comes to mind is the copious amounts of crazy things i've said in debating. And i have asid some very absurd, cynical and unrelated thigns before. Beloew is a sample.
- Topic: That we should legalise euthanasia (negative)
- Quote: "Where the hell in the Bible does it say 'thou shalt choppeth of thy neighbours head to end his suffering' ?"
- Topic: That education is the key to success (affirmative)
- Quote: "An educated person would look at Hilton hotels and think, 'Wow, how am i going to make the most money out of this?'. Paris Hilton, being the ditz that she is, would look at it and think 'Wow! 300 rooms... that's a new room every night for one whole year!'"
- Topic: That government advertising is hidden electioneering (affirmative)
- Quote: "The key word here is 'hidden'. Electioneering is not like ordering a pizza where you have to tell the guy exactly what you want"
- Topic: That parents should be held responsible for the actions of their children (negative)
- Quote: "I'm sure Sef's dad didn't come home one day and said, 'Son, i want you to pick up that knife and kill us all'"
As you can see, i am quote unstable and prone to erratic behaviour during debating. If that wasn't enoguh proof, just go and ask anybody who's ever done debating with me.
Thursday, March 17, 2005
Weird and crazy day
Ummm... i got my 4 unit maths test back and i did about as crappy as i thought i did. (I must be gaining some sort of premonition skills). The word "failure" is beginning to mean something to me now... Ah well, just goes to show that deviating from orthodox methods doesn't really do much to impress the teachers. Not that i had any other options, i didn't exactly know the orthodox methods in about 90% of the instances.
Also pretty much got evicted from the school library today during my free period too. To elaborate: Thuy, Lawrence and myself were practising for the role play bit of our japanese exams (coming up real soon). Somewhere along the lines, Lawrence mentioned something about a cute chick and our study session turned into a giant therapy/gossip session. The group therapy eventually turned into something that must have sounded like a football match because the librarian came and told us to keep the volume down. "sorry sir...". 15 minutes later the footy match kicked up again and we were told to vacate the vicinity. I am currently plotting revenge.
random haiku:
when speaking of man,
one does not say "who the hell..."
we say "what the hell..."
These pages echo
the silent screams of madness
and falling of leaves
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
Un-Australian timetables...
Also, all of my exams start at 9 o'clcok which is bloody brilliant since my brain tends to shut down after about 12. So with my brain in (almost) optimal operating conditions, all the is left to be done is to do a lot of revision, especially for 4u maths (god knows how much shit i'm gonna be in for that exam) and english advanced (in retrospect, sleeping in class doesn't help the cause). Besides that, i'm ready to give these exams a swisft kick in the nads.
Did anybody else read the article in the SMH about being 'un-Asutralian'? It was quite an amusing article that pretty much rambled on about changing social values the whole way. "It's un-Australian to not eat lamb on Australia Day", reads an advertisement. Meanwhile, people are calling each other un-Australian for all sorts of things from cutting queues to not having a footy team to (not) supporting the British monarch. It's become a sort of catch cry for the modern Australian. Instead of calling each other boofheads and the like, we've resorted to insults based on cultural background. "This is un-Australian!" i hear you say? Well, I'm technically Asian so that would make me quite un-Australian.
Apparently, the only two countries to have "un-national" terms are Australia and the US. Given the current political relations, i'm inclined to believe that 'un-Australian' is just a euphemism for 'un-American' (or is it vice versa?).
more random haiku from 'the archives':
knowing i should not
i laugh at the one legged man
glued to bus windows
i see graffiti
on the desk: "sticky fingaz".
Underneath, the same.
the moon in my mug.
smiles its rehearsed smile,
disappears in wisps
word of the day: defenestrate (look it up, i garuntee you'll get a laugh out of it)
Sunday, March 13, 2005
A personal public holiday
About 15 minutes ago I was having a talk to Regina and it seems she's having an equally unproductive day. So we decided to make an occassion of it. From this point on, 13 March will be known as "Alan and Regina sit on thier arses and do nothing day". If you would like to take part in this inactive activity, please leave a comment so that the name of this day can become even more stupidly long.
random haiku for today (all untitled for various reasons):
blossom and perish,
that will be my exodus
there is no other...
this new age surfing
(no water or boards required!)
makes lazy men fat
Old Man on the street
cold, hungry, yet happy. why?
no Misses Old Man
Wednesday, March 09, 2005
Anyway, besides that, i've had a pretty damn good day. Thoughts came in nice progressive and logical sequences. No jumping around from astro-physics to soccer to japanese. No self-induced psychological mind games.
Life is wonderful (for the time being anyway)
Tuesday, March 08, 2005
HTML illiterate...
Any comments on the new colour scheme?
As promised...
The bus that we were supposed to take was about 4 minutes late which was damn lucky because the next one didn't come for another half an hour. Somehow we still managed to get to OHS before the 9:30 deadline. Whether it was due to nice traffic conditions or whether the bus driver was speeding, i do not know. OHS is effectively a single building with corridors going in every direction possible. Kind of like Sefton High but considerably smaller. We got bundled into a classroom and our first damn activity was to "go and meet at least 5 people and find something distinctive about them". Would have been damn good if all the guys there weren't snobs and a half (I swear, Cher Horowitz made me do it). Then these crazy looking Korean guys walk in about an hour and a half late. One of them is sporting affro-esque hair, dyed red just to make sure it's noticed. For some reason, i found this to be tremendously humorous.
Although i said all the guys were wankers, there was this guy named Tom from Katoomba that was pretty cool. He had ultra funky hair, ultra funky clothing and a seriously kick ass looking guitar that he modified and painted himself. Basically everything about him was ultra funky. It was fun talking to him (especially about frozen chickens falling out of the sky) and i'm looking forward to catching up with him some time.
Anyway, students aside, the teachers were all a bit weird. The one we had for the first session was an old-ish Euro woman. She was fine except she seemed way too happy and chirpy. I tell you, it was creepy. The second woman was a fascist dictator. She kept yelling "shizuka ni shite kudasai!" (please be quiet) in a Yuen voice. She had the whole thing down pat, even her extreme lack of height. The rest of the teachers were relatively normal, including my teacher who is just so nice. Ariagato Takahata Sensei.
Trip back? Pretty uneventful. I mean, my train directly from Central to Fairfield got terminated but i've coem to expect that sort of stunt from City Rail. Got home at about 4:40, had a shower and spent the rest of the day writing up 3 essays and preparing a presentation. Somewhere in between all that was dinner.
Monday, March 07, 2005
What i should have done...
A manifesto,
A poem or a letter.
How do I write life?
Questions how multilateral and confusing life can be. Life is sometimes beautiful and meaningful which is represented by the poem. The letter represents the social interactions that exists between people which is also a vital component of humans as we are, by nature, social animals. Manifesto is a set of rules and principals and this shows that life, although precisou and beautiful, is also dictated by the rules and structures of society. The fact that it ends in a question emphasises that we are all confused as individuals and about the meaning of our existence.
anyway, that's all for now coz i'm tired and i need some sleep. I'l write about my adventure to OHS tomorrow. Oyasuminasai!
Sunday, March 06, 2005
Tiny spark...
So thanks to the Woolies customer from aisle 9. Even though i don't know you and i'll probably never see you again, you've really helped me put things into persepctive. Hugs and kisses! ^^
Thursday, March 03, 2005
Crazier by the minute
Quotes and song lyrics reflecting my current mood:
- "i don't wanna believe in love anymore", initial d - Killing My Love
- "f*ck what i said, it don't mean s*it now", Eamon - Don't Want You Back
- "i know i can stop the pain if i will it all away", Evanescence - Whisper
- "i'm damaged, so how would i know...", Plummet - Damaged
- "if i could find you now things would get better...", Yellowcard - Ocean Avenue
- "Men are more moral than they think and far mor immoral than they could possibly imagine", Sigmund Freud
- "i'd give it all away just to have someone to come home to", Linkin Park - My December
- "Behold the ego, set in glowing emptiness, on the edge of time", Noel Kaufmann
Random words: milk, demolish, pride, bink, laughter, lame, depressed, pills, addicts, coffee, cola, coke, global take over, microsoft, dignity, love, hatred, non-existent, religion, questions, answers, more, less, graphs, gay, red, pink, government, politics, factions, fractions, distillation, alcohol, drunk, vomit, womit, cocktail
random poem:
Will I walk again,
knowing that i can not run?
Or will i run once more and never look back?
Cause for a smile
Small Towns
There is a little town called Me
Where things aren't what they used to be
And nearby is the town of You
Which is getting tired too.
But we can take the morning bus
And travel to the town of Us;
A larger, louder place with bells;
With parks and schools and wishing wells;
Churches, restaurants and shops;
Potatoes, pumpkins, peas and chops;
Some ginger sponge, a cup of tea,
Then back again to You and Me.
Life is...
And this is the bit where the, "there are so many people less fortunate than you, you should be grateful for what you have" crap kicks into effect. Yes, i acknowledge that i am one of the people lucky enough to lead a fairly comfortable existence. But i don't find this thought to be comforting at all. In fact, i find this to be a greater cause of vexation. Given all the luxuries of living in Australia, i still find both my friends and myself in stressful situations, i cometimes can't put my emotions into thought let alone words, the school i go to is run in a draconian manner and so on and so forth. And yet, i'm one of the more fortunate ones, which really makes me wonder, just how unfortunate does life have to get before we cease to consider ourselves to be fortunate? There's no such thing as a fortunate life or a more fortunate life, it comes only in many different types of f*cked up.
Of these varieties of f*cked up, the worst of all is known as 'being a teen'. Old enough to know that there are many problems in the world that can be fixed but still too young to do anything about them. Our parents keep telling us that we're old enough to take responsibility for our own actions... and then go and lecture us as though we were 4 year olds (yes, i realise that we do occasionally act like 4 year olds). What are we to think? Is this what responsibility feels like? Being told what to do, how to do it and when to do it? I always feel as though i'm powerless to control my own destiny because as of this exact moment, i feel like i'm out of control, as is my life. Spiralling towards some unseen but imminent doom.
So that's how i think of life. It's just one great big labyrinth that we all have to get through to find nothing but misery. On the other hand, i've also realised that it's not about how many times you fall over but how many times you can pick yourself back up.