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<<~ wakarimasen! ~>>

Sunday, March 27, 2005

F*cking Exams!

I am stressed to the point where i'm about to pull out whatever hair is left after yesterday's haircutting disaster. Curses to the shitty texts we have to do for English advance. Emma = boring. Wild Swans = anti-communist propaganda + boring. Physical Journeys = boring to the nth degree. English = Emma + Wild Swans + Physical Journeys. Therefore, English = fascist + boring (2 + boring^n-1). Even 4u maths is more interesting, despite conics which is the ultimate test of patience. One million pages of working to find that the line PQ passes through (0,0).. would like to impale the impotent fool who came up with that topic (he is now on my 'to impale' list, which has grown almost as long as my 'to crucify' list).

I can't study because i am bored. I am bored because i can't focus on studying. It's a bloody vicious cycle and i swear i should have picked more interesting subjects *glances sideways at parents*

Anyway, i should get back to studying.

Wait, scrap that thought. I should get back to trying to study.


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