Bitter Coffee
Why did she leave me
a note, "i love you so much...",
bitter coffe; cold
When you get incredibly bored, your mind starts to wander around and all sorts of odd thoguhts come to mind. Like today, i was sitting in a lecture about writing poetry and it was damn boring. First thing that comes to mind is the copious amounts of crazy things i've said in debating. And i have asid some very absurd, cynical and unrelated thigns before. Beloew is a sample.
a note, "i love you so much...",
bitter coffe; cold
When you get incredibly bored, your mind starts to wander around and all sorts of odd thoguhts come to mind. Like today, i was sitting in a lecture about writing poetry and it was damn boring. First thing that comes to mind is the copious amounts of crazy things i've said in debating. And i have asid some very absurd, cynical and unrelated thigns before. Beloew is a sample.
- Topic: That we should legalise euthanasia (negative)
- Quote: "Where the hell in the Bible does it say 'thou shalt choppeth of thy neighbours head to end his suffering' ?"
- Topic: That education is the key to success (affirmative)
- Quote: "An educated person would look at Hilton hotels and think, 'Wow, how am i going to make the most money out of this?'. Paris Hilton, being the ditz that she is, would look at it and think 'Wow! 300 rooms... that's a new room every night for one whole year!'"
- Topic: That government advertising is hidden electioneering (affirmative)
- Quote: "The key word here is 'hidden'. Electioneering is not like ordering a pizza where you have to tell the guy exactly what you want"
- Topic: That parents should be held responsible for the actions of their children (negative)
- Quote: "I'm sure Sef's dad didn't come home one day and said, 'Son, i want you to pick up that knife and kill us all'"
As you can see, i am quote unstable and prone to erratic behaviour during debating. If that wasn't enoguh proof, just go and ask anybody who's ever done debating with me.
That Bitter Coffee, right there - your best one so far. : ) And thank you for the newspaper one. That made my day.
You are an idiot during debating sometimes but a charming one who pulls jokes at the wrong time. In that second topic, how did you define education and success?
Anonymous, at March 20, 2005 9:55 PM
i think education was anything learnt in school after a certain grade (forgot which one) and success was being able to achieve something meaningful (worded more delicately of course). For some reason, i feel compelled to be an idiot on friday afternoons.
Yuki, at March 20, 2005 10:34 PM
I used that euthanasia speech for public speaking trials. Works so much better for that than it does in debating. ^^
Yuki, at March 21, 2005 8:13 PM
You know yet if you've been selected to represent Sefton at Plain English?
Anonymous, at March 23, 2005 4:29 PM
Nope, haven't heard much (not that i've been keeping an open ear).
Yuki, at March 23, 2005 8:44 PM
Bitter Coffee
Hey Alan, you have a pretty good blog here! I'm definitely going to bookmark you!
I have a blog. It pretty much covers
related stuff.
Come and check out if you get time :-)
Anonymous, at November 07, 2005 9:33 PM
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