Un-Australian timetables...
I hate exams. I hate the way exams are run. I hate the people who run the exams. I hate the stupid rules that exams entail. Most of all, I hate exam timetables. Always, exams are placed at the most inconvenient times with all my days off conveneiently situated between exams so that i can't take a day off and always directly before some piss easy subject that i can bullshit my way out of. But not this time! I've got a packed timetable the first week (much studying requierd) followed by a pleasant three day weekend (monday second week off), two exams that i should be able to rip through with little trouble if i'm having a good day and then a two day headstart on the school holidays. *smiles and pops open pre-celebration celebratory champagne*
Also, all of my exams start at 9 o'clcok which is bloody brilliant since my brain tends to shut down after about 12. So with my brain in (almost) optimal operating conditions, all the is left to be done is to do a lot of revision, especially for 4u maths (god knows how much shit i'm gonna be in for that exam) and english advanced (in retrospect, sleeping in class doesn't help the cause). Besides that, i'm ready to give these exams a swisft kick in the nads.
Did anybody else read the article in the SMH about being 'un-Asutralian'? It was quite an amusing article that pretty much rambled on about changing social values the whole way. "It's un-Australian to not eat lamb on Australia Day", reads an advertisement. Meanwhile, people are calling each other un-Australian for all sorts of things from cutting queues to not having a footy team to (not) supporting the British monarch. It's become a sort of catch cry for the modern Australian. Instead of calling each other boofheads and the like, we've resorted to insults based on cultural background. "This is un-Australian!" i hear you say? Well, I'm technically Asian so that would make me quite un-Australian.
Apparently, the only two countries to have "un-national" terms are Australia and the US. Given the current political relations, i'm inclined to believe that 'un-Australian' is just a euphemism for 'un-American' (or is it vice versa?).
more random haiku from 'the archives':
knowing i should not
i laugh at the one legged man
glued to bus windows
i see graffiti
on the desk: "sticky fingaz".
Underneath, the same.
the moon in my mug.
smiles its rehearsed smile,
disappears in wisps
word of the day: defenestrate (look it up, i garuntee you'll get a laugh out of it)
Also, all of my exams start at 9 o'clcok which is bloody brilliant since my brain tends to shut down after about 12. So with my brain in (almost) optimal operating conditions, all the is left to be done is to do a lot of revision, especially for 4u maths (god knows how much shit i'm gonna be in for that exam) and english advanced (in retrospect, sleeping in class doesn't help the cause). Besides that, i'm ready to give these exams a swisft kick in the nads.
Did anybody else read the article in the SMH about being 'un-Asutralian'? It was quite an amusing article that pretty much rambled on about changing social values the whole way. "It's un-Australian to not eat lamb on Australia Day", reads an advertisement. Meanwhile, people are calling each other un-Australian for all sorts of things from cutting queues to not having a footy team to (not) supporting the British monarch. It's become a sort of catch cry for the modern Australian. Instead of calling each other boofheads and the like, we've resorted to insults based on cultural background. "This is un-Australian!" i hear you say? Well, I'm technically Asian so that would make me quite un-Australian.
Apparently, the only two countries to have "un-national" terms are Australia and the US. Given the current political relations, i'm inclined to believe that 'un-Australian' is just a euphemism for 'un-American' (or is it vice versa?).
more random haiku from 'the archives':
knowing i should not
i laugh at the one legged man
glued to bus windows
i see graffiti
on the desk: "sticky fingaz".
Underneath, the same.
the moon in my mug.
smiles its rehearsed smile,
disappears in wisps
word of the day: defenestrate (look it up, i garuntee you'll get a laugh out of it)
ello ello,
you poor child, you must be the only one who has to do emams! :P jk
I don't blame you for sleeping in english class, but i want to know where you found your word of the day. It's a good word, you should use it in friday's debate :D
Anonymous, at March 15, 2005 10:53 PM
i think it was on dictionary.com's word of the day list sometime last year. I'll see if i can find a way to work it into the debate. =D
Yuki, at March 16, 2005 9:44 PM
im un-australian cause errr i dont know. liek i read that article and i was like what the hell lol. ok that was pointless. ehhe sorry lol
-»drOøLie, at March 16, 2005 10:14 PM
yeh, it was quite a silly article. Funny, but pointless. And feel free to contribute anything, stupidity is more than welcome. ^^
Yuki, at March 16, 2005 10:31 PM
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