Tiny spark...
All it takes to start a fire is just one tiny little spark. Perhaps i should be a little clearer as to what i'm on about. Yesterday i dropped into Woolies to pick up a pack of batteries for my ever battery hungry MP3 player. When i joined the line, the lady in front of me had like $200 worth of groceries and offered to let me go before her because "[she'll] take a while". Naturally, i refused but she insisted anyway. So i refused again and she went to pay for her stuff. I know i should have taken her offer and gone first because her stuff really did take quite a while, but just knowing that people out there aren't always out for themselves makes me realise that life isn't quite as screwed over as i've been making it out to be.
So thanks to the Woolies customer from aisle 9. Even though i don't know you and i'll probably never see you again, you've really helped me put things into persepctive. Hugs and kisses! ^^
So thanks to the Woolies customer from aisle 9. Even though i don't know you and i'll probably never see you again, you've really helped me put things into persepctive. Hugs and kisses! ^^
That makes me smile. Very cute. Life's good.
Anonymous, at March 07, 2005 9:07 PM
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