As promised...
As promised yesterday, a recount on my 'adventure' to OHS. Met Thuy-An and Lawrence at Regents Park station at the stupidly ripe hour of 7:40. However, the train that was supposed to arrive at 7:48 did not arrive until 7:54. Which would not have mattered if it didn't also take its sweet damn time getting to Central station. Arriving there at 8:35, it was pretty much a sprint to the bus stop. Not that we knew where the hell the bus stop was. So Thuy hopped onto a bus and asked some guy where we had to wait. "Just wait here" the guy says. 2 minutes later we see our bus driving right past. I mutter a vulgarity to nobody in partiocular and chase after the bus. It stops and i ask the guy if he's going our way. "Sorry mate, you've got to wait on the other side of the road". I mutter further curses at nobody in particular.
The bus that we were supposed to take was about 4 minutes late which was damn lucky because the next one didn't come for another half an hour. Somehow we still managed to get to OHS before the 9:30 deadline. Whether it was due to nice traffic conditions or whether the bus driver was speeding, i do not know. OHS is effectively a single building with corridors going in every direction possible. Kind of like Sefton High but considerably smaller. We got bundled into a classroom and our first damn activity was to "go and meet at least 5 people and find something distinctive about them". Would have been damn good if all the guys there weren't snobs and a half (I swear, Cher Horowitz made me do it). Then these crazy looking Korean guys walk in about an hour and a half late. One of them is sporting affro-esque hair, dyed red just to make sure it's noticed. For some reason, i found this to be tremendously humorous.
Although i said all the guys were wankers, there was this guy named Tom from Katoomba that was pretty cool. He had ultra funky hair, ultra funky clothing and a seriously kick ass looking guitar that he modified and painted himself. Basically everything about him was ultra funky. It was fun talking to him (especially about frozen chickens falling out of the sky) and i'm looking forward to catching up with him some time.
Anyway, students aside, the teachers were all a bit weird. The one we had for the first session was an old-ish Euro woman. She was fine except she seemed way too happy and chirpy. I tell you, it was creepy. The second woman was a fascist dictator. She kept yelling "shizuka ni shite kudasai!" (please be quiet) in a Yuen voice. She had the whole thing down pat, even her extreme lack of height. The rest of the teachers were relatively normal, including my teacher who is just so nice. Ariagato Takahata Sensei.
Trip back? Pretty uneventful. I mean, my train directly from Central to Fairfield got terminated but i've coem to expect that sort of stunt from City Rail. Got home at about 4:40, had a shower and spent the rest of the day writing up 3 essays and preparing a presentation. Somewhere in between all that was dinner.
The bus that we were supposed to take was about 4 minutes late which was damn lucky because the next one didn't come for another half an hour. Somehow we still managed to get to OHS before the 9:30 deadline. Whether it was due to nice traffic conditions or whether the bus driver was speeding, i do not know. OHS is effectively a single building with corridors going in every direction possible. Kind of like Sefton High but considerably smaller. We got bundled into a classroom and our first damn activity was to "go and meet at least 5 people and find something distinctive about them". Would have been damn good if all the guys there weren't snobs and a half (I swear, Cher Horowitz made me do it). Then these crazy looking Korean guys walk in about an hour and a half late. One of them is sporting affro-esque hair, dyed red just to make sure it's noticed. For some reason, i found this to be tremendously humorous.
Although i said all the guys were wankers, there was this guy named Tom from Katoomba that was pretty cool. He had ultra funky hair, ultra funky clothing and a seriously kick ass looking guitar that he modified and painted himself. Basically everything about him was ultra funky. It was fun talking to him (especially about frozen chickens falling out of the sky) and i'm looking forward to catching up with him some time.
Anyway, students aside, the teachers were all a bit weird. The one we had for the first session was an old-ish Euro woman. She was fine except she seemed way too happy and chirpy. I tell you, it was creepy. The second woman was a fascist dictator. She kept yelling "shizuka ni shite kudasai!" (please be quiet) in a Yuen voice. She had the whole thing down pat, even her extreme lack of height. The rest of the teachers were relatively normal, including my teacher who is just so nice. Ariagato Takahata Sensei.
Trip back? Pretty uneventful. I mean, my train directly from Central to Fairfield got terminated but i've coem to expect that sort of stunt from City Rail. Got home at about 4:40, had a shower and spent the rest of the day writing up 3 essays and preparing a presentation. Somewhere in between all that was dinner.
Gfken late trains are everyone's nightmare!!
Anonymous, at March 08, 2005 10:22 PM
oops a bit too much anger
Anonymous, at March 08, 2005 10:23 PM
Xersa,it's people like you that sit around all day and complain about everything. Grow up.
Anonymous, at March 08, 2005 10:45 PM
That Tom dude sounds hot. When are you guys planning to meet up??
Anonymous, at March 09, 2005 8:48 PM
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