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<<~ wakarimasen! ~>>

Monday, November 29, 2004

Maroon 5 - Sunday Morning

i would gladly hit the road, get up and go
if i knew that someday it would lead me back to you

*sobs* I got absolutely pawned by a 2 unit maths test today! This would all be well and good but I do 4 unit maths… this exam should have been a piece of cake. *sniffles*… But looking on the brighter side, I didn’t actually study for this (not like I ever study for anything) so a sub-90% mark is more than acceptable. Even if the mark is sub-50% it still doesn’t matter because, thanks to my 4 unit maths, this assessment is non-assessable. It’s all just a matter of pride.

Thanks also to the shitty admin. people at my school for contributing to what has been quite an abysmal day. After clearing my use of the library on Friday afternoons for informal debating, they decided to withdraw the offer. “We can’t let you use the library in case somebody from the other school steals something”. Not that there is anything worth stealing, but this was fair enough. So my debating and I got moved into the English classrooms which are more than adequate for my purposes (plus there is nothing to steal unless somebody wants to try to sneak out some furniture or a ceiling fan). And now I’m not allowed to use those either unless I have a supervising teacher, the visiting debaters have a supervising teacher and the same conditions are met when we visit other schools. This is obviously an infinitely tedious process to have to go through every single week and for that, I would like to say a big f*ck you to the BoS (Board of Shittiness) for introducing such absurd red tape. I’d also like to extend a warm (piss coated) f*ck you to the admin. folks at my school for being such wankers and sticking me up on a high horse before knocking me off.

Also, the new admin building will be fully air conditioned. I have no qualms with this at all… except that the new student library will not be air conditioned… so once again, a big f*ck you with both fingers in the air to the admin people/pigs/wankers/dickheads/f*ckwits/etc.

The heat is also starting to get to me. It’s been almost a whole week of thirty something degrees celsius temperatures and I’ve resorted to drinking litres and litres of water in a desperate attempt to keep cool. Tomorrow’s gonna be a scorcher, a full blown 42 degrees which will make it the hottest day in Sydney in 22 years. Bloody hell…

today’s top 5: things that just piss me off

  1. People who bitch to you about your manners (usually lack there of) and then go and be rude assed sons of bitches. Take my grandma’s friend for example. She calls my house on a regular basis (disconnecting me from my shitty dial up internet), never says “hello”, first thing is always, “is your grandma at home?”. Okay, I can cope with that, old people can be like that. But on every other day where she drops by my place, she bitches to my mum about me not saying hello. Grrr…
  2. People who have an ego incongruent to their abilities. This encompasses those pompous pricks who think they’re the greatest thing since sliced bread who are really inadequate and incompetent imbeciles. This also covers the people who bash their own work even though it is almost flawless. The first is violence inducing, the latter is just deeply depressing.
  3. The media and all that it stands for. Why do we need to buy all these products? Why do we all need to look like celebrities? Why the hell do we even need to know what they’re up to? I blame mass media, tv in particular for all the world’s problems. I blame the media for little kids running around yelling obscure nonsense, for adolescents committing suicide at ever increasing rates and for parents doing all sorts of stupid things (such as banning they’re kid from video games because it ‘incites violence’)
  4. Bureaucratic red tape. This has gone absolutely mad and out of control (much like teen hormones). For an example, read the attached post.
  5. My English teacher. I’d like to list every single reason (she is that damn annoying) but that would take me several days and I don’t have that much time on my hands. In a nutshell: she is a fascist dictator and the number one cause of deforestation.

Friday, November 26, 2004

Linkin Park - My December

this is my december
these are my snow covered plains

What a fun fun fun day it has been. Got to skip an entire day of school to go to Luna Park and conduct some 'physics experiments'. Lack of scientific relevance aside, the rides were amusing at best and (for the most part) nauseating. For some reason, i succumbed to peer pressure today and did some things that i normally wouldn't do.

I got peer pressured into riding the Spider which is just a really damn good way to spin around heaps and heaps and get really really nauseous.

I got peer pressured into riding the Sky Ranger (think that giant Pirate Ship thing that used to be at the place formerly known as Wonderland) which resulted in my liver, kidney and most of intestines ending up in my mouth.

I got peer pressured into buying fish and chips for lunch at the extremely steep price of $8.50 per serve. I would never usually pay this damn much for food, being the asian that i am. It was hot and damn tasty, but eight dollars and fifty f*cking cents... bloody inflation.

In conclusion, i hate peer pressure for making me do such crazy and potentially life threatening things which i enjoyed none the less.

And to pay homage to my being suckered into doing dumb things...
today's top 5: ways to sucker people into doing dumb things
  1. Tell them it can't be done. This will work for the 50% of people who have nothing better to do than to go out of their way just to get into yours. The other 50% will run away and cower in fear.
  2. Reassure them that "it's alright if you want to back out...". It's amazing how many times i've fallen for this one. The more somebody tells you that you can do something, the less you want to do it.
  3. Threaten to tell their girlfriend that they're a damn pussy/heartless bastard/tight arse. The way to a man's heart may be through his stomach but the way to a mans' head is through his ego.
  4. Offer to give them money (a.k.a. bribery). If the ego road is blocked, take the path through his wallet. Money makes the world go round, the world go round, the world go round...
  5. Ask them to do it while they're deep in discusison with somebody else. I've seen somebody holding onto a clump of dirt whilst talking to some other guy.

Thursday, November 25, 2004

Eminem - Like Toy Soldiers

bit by bit, torn apart, we never win
but the battle wages on for toy soldiers

Hocus pocus, i can't focus! I don't know what the hell is wrong with me today. I feel so spaced out and my attention has dropped to that of a goldfish with amnesia. Spent all day off on some other planet which is so much nicer than the one i live in, only to woken up by the sound of the bell signalling the end of the period. *sniffles* i feel so depressed

Maybe it's my sub-conscious urge to escape reality over riding my conscious need to stay awake in class. Perhaps my sub-conscious is sick of dealing with lame teachers who have nothing better to do than to kill trees for no reason and my body has given up trying to extract every nanogram of caffeine out of my coffee just to stay awake. Maybe i'm not really awake and this is all just a bad dream.. maybe i don't even exist except in my imagination... Maybe aliens came to my house last night and stole my brain because they thought it was superior (the suckers!).

today's top 5: why i hate my english teacher (a.k.a. KKK)
  1. She reads dubiously slow. Think of a snail crawling over the words on a sheet of paper, she reads whatever the snail happens to be on at the time.
  2. She is the number one cause of deforestation. At current count, i have received in excess of 70 photocopies from her within the last month and a bit. Multiply this by 20 students, multiply again by 6 to give 12 months and there goes the amazon.
  3. The tree killing is completely unjustified. I've got a set of notes where nothing is in order and there are multiple copies of each sheet but with different things on the back of every one. Nobody actually reads any of the stuff and, despite her saying "if you don't read the notes, i'm going to stop giving them to you", the forests continue to dwindle.
  4. Even though every answer i've given her is so completely full of shit, she still says "yes... i agree with you...". Like what the f*ck is wrong with her? How can anyone possibly mistaken a bullshit for a serious reply?
  5. She has this damn annoying habit of getting one word short of the end of a sentence and then going "etcetera etcetera". Don't know why she does this, don't care why she does this. But it is starting to get on my nerves and i wish she would just stop doing it.

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Blink 182 - All The Small Things

Always... i know
you'll be at my show...

Besides being overly joyful for no reason in particular (possibly one of the side effecst of coffee?), life is shit. As i may have previously mentioned, whoever said that life is like a box of chocolates must have been allergic to cocoa and broken out in hives.

There are those bitter times wheen life is like a box of licorice. The happy times where life is like a box of jelly beans. The funny times when life is like a box of sour gummies. The lonely times where life is like an empty box. And the times of bitter sweet agony which most closely resemble a box of overdue chocolates.

No matter which way you look at it, life is always like a box of something. I think the label on my box says "radioactive waste".

today's top 5: ways to amuse yourself during class (without resorting to masturbation)
  1. Write "Look at the footprints on the ceiling. Pass it on" on a sheet of paper and throw it at somebody's feet. They will, without fail, read the note and look for the footprints on the ceiling which logic tells us could not possibly be there. Very funny stuff. It gets even funnier when the teacher confiscates the note, reads it and looks up at the ceiling.
  2. Play a game of 'penis'. The general premises behind this game is to get a group of people who take it in turn to say "penis" louder than the last person without getting caught. The word "penis" can be replaced with "scrotum" or any other genitalia.
  3. Write, "To see something funny, turn this over" on both sides of a sheet of paper and proceed to follow the instructions you have written.
  4. Sit at the back of the class and have a farting contest. Very very immature fun. A word of warning: trying too hard to unleash a huge fart may result in disastrous pant shitting (see blog post for November 7th, 2004)
  5. Eat

Monday, November 22, 2004

Robbie Williams - Angels

and when love is dead,
i'm loving angels instead

Ouch... back... pain... *grumbles about large pile of textbooks*

Open high school here i come! My new japanese teacher has been offered a permanent job at some other school and is leaving us to rot *sniffle*. Since i can't drop japanese (*shakes fist at BOS 4 subjects rule*) the school had no choice but to let me, and my fellow compatriots, do the course via correspondence. What does that mean? Triple the number of free periods baybeh!

Well that's about all i have to bitch about at the moment.
*mumbles further bitching under breath*

today's top 5: excuses for not handing in homework
  1. "My mother sold my homework so she could buy some crack..."
  2. "I buried last night's homework in my time capsule because i know just how important it really was..."
  3. "My next door neighbour is a witcha nd she turned me into a frog.... but i got better..."
  4. "My religion forbids the wanton waste of time..."
  5. "That was 'homework'? I thought you said it was 'firewood'..."

Note: it is highly inadvisable to try any of these excuses on your teacher. I accept no liability what so ever for any consequences you may face from using these excuses.

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Eminem - Sing For The Moment

sing for the laughter, sing for the tears
sing with me now, just for today...

[Sunday morning - twas the break of dawn when i ventured forth to sydney airport to picketh up my grandmother. Alas, my plans for a quick escape were thwarted by ye age old flight delay. a trip that should have taken only an hour at the greatest twas trebled in length.

Sunday afternoon - beyond the hour of the midday meal, I began to removeth the filthy carpet of the living quarters. Alas, twas a mighty task that required many great deeds of arms and equally great deeds of foot. As the sun fell, the last of the carpet was smote.

Sunday night - yonder physics lesson lurks about the turn of night and many feats of alchemy from months past must be written lest thine tutor become very angry.

Till next we meet, i bid thee adieu!]

[Sunday morning - at about 7 o'clock i went to the airport to pick my grandma up who had just returned form Vietnam. Unfortunately, her flightwas delayed and i ended up waiting for over 3 hours.

Sunday afternoon - after lunch, i started stripping the carpet from the living room to make way for the new tiles i spent all last sunday shopping for. By about 6pm the carpet was all removed and my legs and ass were sore as hell.

Sunday night - i have physics tomorrow and unless i write up severla experimental reports my teacher is going to be very very pissed off.

Catch ya later! ]

If the stuff in the first set of parenthesis/brackets striked you as being odd and incomprehensible rabble, you're not alone. I wrote the damn thing and it makes as much sense to me as Le Morte Darthur. For the Old English illiterate (myself included) i have included the modernised English version for reference.

Australian Idol finals on today... so what? Anthony didn't win... so what? Casey won... so what? As you can see, i clearly could not care less about Australian Idol if i tried. Does it matter if the winner can sing or not? Unlikely. Will the album the winner produces be absolutely crappy incoherent nonsense (only partially more comprehensible than parts of this blog)? Without a doubt. Will it still sell millions of copies? Due to publicity and the stupidity of the public, yes.

today's top 5: new age olympic events
  1. Real Deathmatch - i'm sick of all those games where people try to find their way to the ball and to the opposition. This game is all about trying to avoid your opponent at all costs. Why? Because you opponent will be armed with a fire arm of his or her choice. Think Unreal tournament without the respawn...
  2. Unreal deathmatch - players use computers to engage each other in gore infested firts person shooting games such as Unreal, Quake and Counterstrike. Think of this as the paralympic equivalent of real deathmathc (see above)
  3. Pole dancing - considering that i'm a guy, the reason for this being here is pretty bloody obvious. I'll justify it by saying that it's just like gymnastics... but some what less tasteful... and with nude chicks...
  4. One finger triathlon - a contest of skill, determination and tolerance for pain. Contestants must complete three simple tasks. The first of these tasks is to open 666 beer bottles using only one finger. The second task is to break 666 tiles using only one finger. The third and final task is to climb up a 13 metre slide using only one finger.
  5. Piranha fishing - contestants fish for piranhas and the winner is the person who catches the largest piranha. To make things interesting, fishing rods can not be used. Instead, males will be forced to fish using their crotch and females fish using their eyelashes.

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Linkin Park - High Voltage

While you risk it all
I'll sing all your flaws...

To recap on today:
temperature: 36 degrees celsius
lessons: maths, english, maths and english again...
highlight of the day: 40 minute maths test that we were given 70 minutes to do
mood: tired and apathetic
music: Utada Hikaru

A day where i have english is shitty. A day where i have english and maths is disastrous. A day where i have english and maths twice each is cataclysmic. Therefore, we can conclude that today was cataclysmic, and it damn well may have been considering the heat.

And to cap it all off, round 2 of english was all about post modernism. Naturally we read a post modern story by Nick Earls. It was about a guy who shares a house with a unicorn. The unicorn, contrary to stereotypes, drinks beer, smokes and cusses like a sailor. Apparently, this is an example of magic realism. With this information we can state that: magic realism = 2 (stupid+crazy)

today's top 5: absurd words and things i'd like to see
  1. Cloverity n. - a disorder where the carrier is prone to short bouts of extremely good luck. Derived from the Irish legend that four leaf clovers will bring good luck.
  2. A penguin doing a striptease on a stage carried by cross dressing camels.
  3. Dubya Bush and Howard in a no-holds barred mud wrestling match. If Osama is ever found, he can partner Saddam in a tag team grudhe match.
  4. Moneism n. - an atheistic religion in which money is worshipped. The mightiest of all the Moneist gods is US Dollar.
  5. Somebody taking revenge and shitting on a pigeon.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Jojo - Leave (Get Out)

i gave up everything I had
on something that just wouldn't last

While writing the proposal for my English (must always be graced with a capital 'E') major work, i came across some things that i've always known but never really given much thought to. The first of these things is how we can continue to live in a world that is, for all intents and purposes, a dystopia without a hint of regret or fear. It makes you wonder whether we've just become so damn self centred and forgotten about the problems of everyone else or if we've just gotten so used to the way things are we've just come to accept it as reality. For me it is, without a doubt, the first. I'm ready to admit i'm incredibly self centred. The most depressing thing about this is that i make the conscious decision to be this way.

Another thing that arose when i was writing was the hypocritical superficiality of society. Things like "Those poor starving kids..." are uttered in perpetuity and yet we continue not to do anything about it. So what if we donate a few dollars here and there to various charities (and this can ammount to huge amounts over time)? It'll help to feed a starving village for a week or so and then what? Do we keep giving to them or just let them die? Our solutions to the world's many problems is effective only on a superficial level. We want to be seen to be playing our part but in reality, we're doing nothing. It's depressing to think about kids turning to drugs and young girls selling themselves as prostitutes just to make a living while people drive expensive cars and live in extravagent houses.

We're all wrapped up in our own little snow domes and do not want it shaken up by reality. As a society, we just don't give a f*ck anymore.

today's top 5: thing's i'd like to do
  1. Go to a church on Christmas Eve. Even though i'm an atheist at heart, I would still like to go to church on Christmas Eve. There's something special about Christmas that just can't be put into words.
  2. Write a stream of consciousness story where I put all my emotions (without exceptions)onto paper. I think this would help me to learn more about myself as well as consciously acknowledging memories and feelings i've shut out for so long.
  3. Give a flower to a girl that i really love.
  4. Lie on the top of a hill at night and just look at the stars. I've already done this a few times but it's been such a long time i've forgotten what it feels like.
  5. Do something good for somebody without thought of self-gratification.

Monday, November 15, 2004

Evanescence - Whisper

i know i can stop the pain
if i will it all away...

I am feeling very drowsy as i write this so please excuse any typos or lack of sentence clarity (not that my sentences ever make that much sense anyway).

I know may have said this many times before, but a million curses and a plague on the bus company! Once again, we (the devoted bus takers) are left waiting for over an hour for a bus that never arrived. Luckily for me, Jeffery's mum came to pick him up and i got a lift home as well. If you're reading this, thanks heaps and heaps.

This reminds me of another incident a few years back. It had been raining for the last couple of days so it was all wet and icky feeling. Then it starts hailing in the afternoon when i'm in my last period. I thought, "Lucky i don't have to walk all the way to the train station". Unfortunately, i didn't count on the bus not being there when i got out. "Okay, so it's a little bit late". 4 o'clock... still not here....5 o'clock... still not here.... 5:30 it arrives and the bus driver still wants to check bus passes. Crazy assed bitch! So there i was with my friends, three of us huddled under the one umbrella, trying to avoid the hail for two and a half hours.

Looking back on it now, it was almost funny. It would have been a hell of a lot funnier if it weren't hailing, but it's all part of the 'experience', much like having your left leg gnawed off by angry pirahna is part of the camping experience.

Grrrrrrr... shitty ass buses.... *revs chainsaw*

today's top 5: truly disastrous disaster movies
  1. Titanic. The mother of all disaster films. A ship full of poms goes down after hitting an iceberg. Hooray for the rest of the world! Leonardo Di Crappio in leading role. World bangs head on desks.
  2. Dante's Peak. This film deserves a mention just for that scene where Pierce Brosnan drives his car over molten hot lava. Even though houses catch fire and crumble in the wake of volcanic explosions, his tyres remain unaffected. This is the kind of thing Dunlop should be using in their ads.
  3. Twister. [Male: Cow!... Another Cow!. Female: Same cow.] How can you not love a movie where there are flying cows?
  4. Gangs of New York. A movie based on the biggest disaster of all, the creation of New York City. Once again, a fine piece of cinema ruined by the presence of Leonardo 'the wuss' Di Crappio.
  5. The Day After Tomorrow. Unlike the most disaster films, this one may actually be based on reality. But then again, nobody really wants to watch an entire movie about global warming... even if it means getting to watch as New York is wiped out by tidal waves.

Sunday, November 14, 2004

Slinkee Minx - Summer Rain

somewhere in my heart i'm always
dancing with you in the summer rain

Damn this forever changing weather! One minute it's raining, then it'll be sunny, then it'll be rainy again, then it'll be windy and then... It makes me think i'm going crazy! AARRGGHH!!!

And to further complicate matetrs, i've spent all of today tile shopping with my parents. A typical conversation went something along these lines:

Mum: Which one do you think looks better?
Me: Ummm... that one over there.
Dad: Why?
Me: I dunno. It just looks better...

I obviously didn't make my apathy apparent enough the first hundred or so times because they kept asking me that same question every time they found a tile. Okay, i can understand the whole 'family decision' crap where everybody has to have a say, but i think asking my opinion on every single tile (most of which look the same to me anyway) is taking it a tad bit too far.

I also got the results of my blood test back. Apparently, i have too many red blood cells which (according to my parents) will lead to detrimental cholesterol levels. Firstly, i never even knew there was such a thing as having too many red blood cells. Secondly, what in the hell do red blood cells ahve to do with cholesterol? Damned crazy Asian paranoia.

Despite the less than impressive blood test, i will continue to eat the way i've always eaten; what i want whenever i want. I know this will inevitably result in me dying of a heart attack or diabetes or something like that at the age of 27 but at least i'll die happy!

Besides being bored out of my skull and remaining infinitely apathetic about my health i've also accomplished many great feats this weekend such as... hmmm.... ummm... errrr..... Actually, i haven't accomplished anything this weekend besides writing this blog post. But considering how damn meaningless this post has been i don't think warrants classification as an achievement of any sort.

Note to self: do not write down thoughts on own blog in blog posts.

today's top 5: song lyrics that reflect on my life

  1. "I'm going to hell / who's coming with me?", Eminem - My Dad's Gone Crazy
  2. "I don't know what's worth fighting for / or why I have to scream", Linkin Park - Breaking the Habit
  3. "You're over there when I need you here", Powderfinger - My Happiness
  4. "Turned in my wings for earthly things", Corrinne May - Fall To Fly
  5. "Like somehow you just don't belong / and no one understands you", Simple Plan - Welcome To My Life

Note: leave comments on my blog damn it!

Friday, November 12, 2004

Green Day - American Idiot

i'm not part of a redneck agenda
now everbody do the propaganda
and sing along at the edge of paranoia

Yay! It's friday! What does that mean? It means tomorrow is... *drum rolls* saturday! And what does that mean? It means i have tutoring >.<

That aside, today was yet another pleasant day of life. What the hell is wrong with me? I'm finding it possible to have a good day at school? Wait a minute, i'm happy?!? Something is definitely wrong with me. Probably too much wine... nah, couldn't be. Must be not enough wine. Any excuse to drink my sorry ass to a state of drunkeness where i behave more like a sober person than when i'm actually sober.

Am i making any sense at all?

today's top 5: ways to stop that bitching voice in your head (a.k.a. your wife)
  1. Give her a credit card with unlimited credit and drop her off at a shopping centre. This should give you enough time to buy a plane ticket to Uzbekistan (or some other equally obscure place) where you won't have to pay the bills on the aforementioned credit card.
  2. See that big sharp thing in the kitchen? It's called a knife. Use it. Whether you choose homocide or suicide is up to you. Suicide is better if she has a conscience, homocide is better if she has a fat will.
  3. Pretend to be deaf. Eventualy she'll either give up talking to you or you'll psychologically induce deafness upon yourself
  4. Get very very drunk. This may not shut her up but you're not going to recall a single thing she said the morning after (or at all if you happen to die from a ruptured liver)
  5. Do whatever it is she tells you, that way she'll have nothing to bitch about. However, this may also entail highly hazardous clothes shopping marathons and should be used only as a last resort

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Foo Foghters - Times Like These

it's times like these you learn to love again...

Not that this is entirely relevant to anything in particular, but is' pretty damn funny. This is taken from the home page of www.shityrail.info.

ShityRails promises to our customers:

  • trains will be at least 5 minutes later than printed timetables
  • At least 15 trains per day per line will be canceled
  • All trains will be over crowded
  • We will overcharge for a poor service
  • We will continue to put the price up as our service gets worse
  • We will have at least one derailment per year
  • Track work will only be done on weekends when it's a long weekend, mother's day weekend, father's day weekend or Easter just to screw any plans you have to be with love ones
  • There will be no staff to sell you tickets
  • All ticket machines won't work
  • There will be more ticket inspectors than passengers at all times
  • Due to the fact you can't buy a ticket YOU WILL BE FINED $500
  • 90% of our Millennium Trains will not work never ever be as good as we were during the Olympics
  • not to listen to our customers, be as rude to them as possible, try as hard we can to make sure we can fine our customers for $500

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Utada Hikaru - Exodus '04

through traffic jams in Tokyo
new music on the radio
we'll say goodbye to the world we know
this is our exodus '04

Today was quite a crap ass day. Triple english and maths, not to mention i had to stay back until 5:10 because of extension 2 english. Yet, for some inexplicable reason, i'm feeling oddly happy. For me happiness is hard enoguh to find on a good day in life, so it leaves me pondering why it is i'm having such a good time on such a crappy day.

As we've been doiong for the last month or so, the poetry of Seamus Heaney has brought about some interesting discussion in our very small (6 people) class. The topics of discussion? Dead people, archaic torture and bogs. Many amusing quotes arose from these poems and the ensuing debates, including "the artful voyeur", "the priest lay in the ditch with the tramp" and so on. These are the kind of quotes that will continue to haunt you for the rest of your life... and for all the wrong reasons too. Just think about the priest with the tramp for example. (For those of you who don't know, tramp can mean either a hobo or a prostitute) Therefore, priest+tramp=serious religious dilemma =D

I've been having many conversations about things that i really shouldn't be thinking about at all. And this has gotten me seriously questioning what i've always believed in. Just last night i was talking to a chick friend about why it is that love is always confusing and painful. Because it's always hard to talk about something of that nature using only your head, i had to explore my sub-consciousness. This forced me to unearth feelings and memories i had long ago buried. Some of these recollections brought back a flood of sweet ecstasy but this was soon overwhelmed by the memories which had faded into subverted obscurities. I believe that there are some things worth fighting for and one of those is friends. I'll make the sacrifices because i know they'd do the same. I hope she makes it out of this emotional mess...

today's top 5: words and phrases
  1. defenestrate - quite literally means to thro out of a window. Look it up in a dictionary if you don't believe me
  2. bastion of the nymphaleptic - means something along the lines of "place full of dumb asses"
  3. plethoric influx - an overglossed way of saying large flow. I used it in one of my debates just because i could
  4. affinity (and it's various forms) - it means to have a natural bond and understanding of. Nothing particularly impressive or amusing about this one but it's just such a pleasant word to say.
  5. artful voyeur - as quoted from the Seamus Heaney poem 'Punishment'. What does it mean? Think of it as an extremely euphemistic synonmy for "porno addict"

p.s. happy birthday lisa!

Sunday, November 07, 2004

Simple Plan - Welcome To My Life

Do you ever wanna' run away?
Do you ever hide in your room
with the radio turned up so loud
that no one hears you scream

Just heard a rather amusing tale involving one of the less pleasant people from my school that I'd like to share with everyone. For some reason, guys think it to be incredibly funny unleashing farts in class and often have contests to see who can fart the loudest. One such idiot who participates in this battle of witlessness is the infinitely odd Phillip Trieu. Anyway, he was trying so hard to fart that he shat his pants during class.

He then asks the teacher if he can go to the toilet. upon returning to class he proudly announces to his friends "I shitted in my pants. My underpants were f*cking filthy so i chucked them out"

Sorry if you've just eaten or are about to eat. This is quite possibly the most tasteless story i've heard in a long time but what wonderful proof for einstein's theory of infinite human stupidity.

today's top 5: annoying advertisements (revisited)
  1. Coco Pops pedometer ad. Who the hell in their right mind would do laps around the kitchen table?
  2. Ambi Pur "enjoy your private time" ad. Woman goes around bathroom spraying air freshener, opening up perfume dispenser and flushing toilet to unleash the smell of toilet bowl thing. Not only is this a wanton waste of water, she probably spends more time preparing the bathroom than she spends in the bathroom.
  3. Weet Bix "30% more alert" campaign. 30% more alert than what you ask? 30% more alert than skipping breakfast apparently. Very clever advertising campaign along the lines of "eat Weet Bix because it's better than starving"
  4. "Whoever finds the car keys can have one of these Uncle Toby's Bites". Oh my gosh! One whole bite sized piece of fruit cake just for digging half way to China? Does this woman's generousity ever end?
  5. Any ad for Dancing With The Stars. These ad's are perhaps the only ones on this list which are excusable. The ad's do have very little to promote after all.

Saturday, November 06, 2004

Corrinne May - Something About You

There's something in your eyes
something in your smile
something in the way you move me

Happy happy joy joy! Not that there's really anything to be happy about, but as long as there's nothing to be depressed about, may as well try to be happy. The sun's been shining, the skies are clear enough for me to see the stars... hmmm.... pathetic fallacy ><

I had my first blood test today. It's quite interesting watching the little tubes fill up until you realise it's your blood and then fascination turns to "holy s*it! i'm bleeding to death!". Because i had the test at about 9 in the morning, my brain wasn't quite switched on so i didn't really feel anything. Unfortunately, my brain does switch itself on every day at about 10-ish (except for Sunday) and my arm's been hurting like hell since then.

Progress on my english major work has pretty much come to a halt as inspiration runs dry. I can't seem to concentrate on anything and I often find myself day dreaming. Theoretically day dreaming would provide me with some ideas for the premises of a short story right? Unfortunately for me, I'm having the same recurring day dream which always seems to end with me standing alone somewhere. Isn't it funny how your conscious thoughts and emotions(loneliness and isolation) can become manifestations in your subconscious?

Although the dream always ends with me isolated, a feeling that i don't like, i sometimes wonder if it's better that way. Is it better to live in a superficial and cold world or is it better to live in isolation? Should i trust some and risk a life of phoniness or do i trust none and live life in loneliness? Damn life! Why are there so many questions and so few answers? WHY?!?

today's top 5: weird things about my high school
  1. The vice principal is an uptight bum. This is perfectly normal. He also doesn't blink or smile...ever... this is not normal
  2. There is a school policy providing specific height for the soles of shoes.
  3. Quoting the school playground policies, "There is to be no rumbling on school grounds"
  4. There is a water drainage point which is higher than the surrounding ground
  5. It's built on top of a swamp and is closer to Baghdad than most of the towns in Iraq

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Ayumi Hamasaki - Dearest

aisubeki mono no tame
ai o kureru mono no tame dekiru koto
(for that which i should love
for that which give me love, i will do what i can)

Sick of reading posts about my problems and how I'm going to die a cold and bitter man? Because I'm getting very sick and tired of writing about it. Will try very hard to come up with something more interesting (I know my life is dull) and less depressing (I exude negativity) to write about.

Until i come up with those topics, i'll keep writing about my life *evil laughter*... alright, just kidding, please don't hurt me, i'm allergic to pain. Ah well, will just write whatever comes to mind first...

My english teacher is still being bitchy and a pain in the ass. In 4 weeks she's handed out exactly 71 pages worth of photocopies. This is not bloody funny. All my other subjects together do not add up to this many sheets. This is unneccessary killin of trees, call Greenpeace!

Still on the topic of teachers, my new jap. teacher sucks. Nothing personal (she's a nice person and all), she probably knows more about japanese than my old teacher but she doesn't have the disposition to be a teacher (i.e. not strict at all).

Continuing from disposition, everybody is getting incredibly pissy and uptight about everything. It's like PMS all month long and it seems to be affecting guys as well. I am telling you right now, nothing scarier than a guy with PMS. It's always, "shut up, i'm trying to copy notes", "stop asking me damn stupid questions..." and so on. I can accept that there will always be people who are pricks and will do things like this but i never expected sheer bitchiness to be so contagious. Take for example a certain Anthony in my physics class (yeh, the gay one). Never stops rambling on and on about whatever it is he rambles on about (always try desperately to block it out) and then when somebody else starts talking he goes "shush! i'm trying to learn". If you're reading this, either f*cking stop talking or stop telling people to shush.

Speaking of silence, it's scary how quiet the playground is without the year 12 guys there. I know that we (whole grade collectively) are effectivly in year 12 now but it still hasn't fully sunken in yet. Well, it hasn't sunken in for everyone and the people who it has sunken in for have become pricks. I could think of some more colourful terms to describe them but pricks is the best i can do without dipping too far into the obscurities and obscenities boxes.

Why is it that people buy boxes to put gift into? In all honesty, i just don't understand it. The box usually makes up about 15% of the cost of the gift. This is yet another example of human stupidity and superficiality knowing no bounds.

I could easily go on like this forever because of the infinite non-sequiturial dialogue between my conscious and unconscious but i should stop now. Why? Because the thoughts currently running through my mind are best left in there until a further date. That and plus i need something to write about in the following days. Unless of course you'd rather i write it all now and spend the next month bitching about my life...

today's top 5: 'cool' inventions
  1. a black highlighter so you can highlight white writing
  2. solar powered torch, for those who want to blind themselves during the day
  3. silenced nuke. This is a fantastic invention! Now you can go and annihilate an entire city without anybody noticing
  4. air conditioned motorbike for the people who want to feel the cool rush of air on their faces when waiting for the damn driver in front of you to realise it's a grren light
  5. detonating anti-theft devices, sure your stuff gets blown to pieces but it's just soo sataisfying to know that the son of a bitch who tried to steal your stuff got blown to pieces as well