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<<~ wakarimasen! ~>>

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Ayumi Hamasaki - Dearest

aisubeki mono no tame
ai o kureru mono no tame dekiru koto
(for that which i should love
for that which give me love, i will do what i can)

Sick of reading posts about my problems and how I'm going to die a cold and bitter man? Because I'm getting very sick and tired of writing about it. Will try very hard to come up with something more interesting (I know my life is dull) and less depressing (I exude negativity) to write about.

Until i come up with those topics, i'll keep writing about my life *evil laughter*... alright, just kidding, please don't hurt me, i'm allergic to pain. Ah well, will just write whatever comes to mind first...

My english teacher is still being bitchy and a pain in the ass. In 4 weeks she's handed out exactly 71 pages worth of photocopies. This is not bloody funny. All my other subjects together do not add up to this many sheets. This is unneccessary killin of trees, call Greenpeace!

Still on the topic of teachers, my new jap. teacher sucks. Nothing personal (she's a nice person and all), she probably knows more about japanese than my old teacher but she doesn't have the disposition to be a teacher (i.e. not strict at all).

Continuing from disposition, everybody is getting incredibly pissy and uptight about everything. It's like PMS all month long and it seems to be affecting guys as well. I am telling you right now, nothing scarier than a guy with PMS. It's always, "shut up, i'm trying to copy notes", "stop asking me damn stupid questions..." and so on. I can accept that there will always be people who are pricks and will do things like this but i never expected sheer bitchiness to be so contagious. Take for example a certain Anthony in my physics class (yeh, the gay one). Never stops rambling on and on about whatever it is he rambles on about (always try desperately to block it out) and then when somebody else starts talking he goes "shush! i'm trying to learn". If you're reading this, either f*cking stop talking or stop telling people to shush.

Speaking of silence, it's scary how quiet the playground is without the year 12 guys there. I know that we (whole grade collectively) are effectivly in year 12 now but it still hasn't fully sunken in yet. Well, it hasn't sunken in for everyone and the people who it has sunken in for have become pricks. I could think of some more colourful terms to describe them but pricks is the best i can do without dipping too far into the obscurities and obscenities boxes.

Why is it that people buy boxes to put gift into? In all honesty, i just don't understand it. The box usually makes up about 15% of the cost of the gift. This is yet another example of human stupidity and superficiality knowing no bounds.

I could easily go on like this forever because of the infinite non-sequiturial dialogue between my conscious and unconscious but i should stop now. Why? Because the thoughts currently running through my mind are best left in there until a further date. That and plus i need something to write about in the following days. Unless of course you'd rather i write it all now and spend the next month bitching about my life...

today's top 5: 'cool' inventions
  1. a black highlighter so you can highlight white writing
  2. solar powered torch, for those who want to blind themselves during the day
  3. silenced nuke. This is a fantastic invention! Now you can go and annihilate an entire city without anybody noticing
  4. air conditioned motorbike for the people who want to feel the cool rush of air on their faces when waiting for the damn driver in front of you to realise it's a grren light
  5. detonating anti-theft devices, sure your stuff gets blown to pieces but it's just soo sataisfying to know that the son of a bitch who tried to steal your stuff got blown to pieces as well


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