Maroon 5 - Sunday Morning
i would gladly hit the road, get up and go
if i knew that someday it would lead me back to you
*sobs* I got absolutely pawned by a 2 unit maths test today! This would all be well and good but I do 4 unit maths… this exam should have been a piece of cake. *sniffles*… But looking on the brighter side, I didn’t actually study for this (not like I ever study for anything) so a sub-90% mark is more than acceptable. Even if the mark is sub-50% it still doesn’t matter because, thanks to my 4 unit maths, this assessment is non-assessable. It’s all just a matter of pride.
Thanks also to the shitty admin. people at my school for contributing to what has been quite an abysmal day. After clearing my use of the library on Friday afternoons for informal debating, they decided to withdraw the offer. “We can’t let you use the library in case somebody from the other school steals something”. Not that there is anything worth stealing, but this was fair enough. So my debating and I got moved into the English classrooms which are more than adequate for my purposes (plus there is nothing to steal unless somebody wants to try to sneak out some furniture or a ceiling fan). And now I’m not allowed to use those either unless I have a supervising teacher, the visiting debaters have a supervising teacher and the same conditions are met when we visit other schools. This is obviously an infinitely tedious process to have to go through every single week and for that, I would like to say a big f*ck you to the BoS (Board of Shittiness) for introducing such absurd red tape. I’d also like to extend a warm (piss coated) f*ck you to the admin. folks at my school for being such wankers and sticking me up on a high horse before knocking me off.
Also, the new admin building will be fully air conditioned. I have no qualms with this at all… except that the new student library will not be air conditioned… so once again, a big f*ck you with both fingers in the air to the admin people/pigs/wankers/dickheads/f*ckwits/etc.
The heat is also starting to get to me. It’s been almost a whole week of thirty something degrees celsius temperatures and I’ve resorted to drinking litres and litres of water in a desperate attempt to keep cool. Tomorrow’s gonna be a scorcher, a full blown 42 degrees which will make it the hottest day in Sydney in 22 years. Bloody hell…
if i knew that someday it would lead me back to you
*sobs* I got absolutely pawned by a 2 unit maths test today! This would all be well and good but I do 4 unit maths… this exam should have been a piece of cake. *sniffles*… But looking on the brighter side, I didn’t actually study for this (not like I ever study for anything) so a sub-90% mark is more than acceptable. Even if the mark is sub-50% it still doesn’t matter because, thanks to my 4 unit maths, this assessment is non-assessable. It’s all just a matter of pride.
Thanks also to the shitty admin. people at my school for contributing to what has been quite an abysmal day. After clearing my use of the library on Friday afternoons for informal debating, they decided to withdraw the offer. “We can’t let you use the library in case somebody from the other school steals something”. Not that there is anything worth stealing, but this was fair enough. So my debating and I got moved into the English classrooms which are more than adequate for my purposes (plus there is nothing to steal unless somebody wants to try to sneak out some furniture or a ceiling fan). And now I’m not allowed to use those either unless I have a supervising teacher, the visiting debaters have a supervising teacher and the same conditions are met when we visit other schools. This is obviously an infinitely tedious process to have to go through every single week and for that, I would like to say a big f*ck you to the BoS (Board of Shittiness) for introducing such absurd red tape. I’d also like to extend a warm (piss coated) f*ck you to the admin. folks at my school for being such wankers and sticking me up on a high horse before knocking me off.
Also, the new admin building will be fully air conditioned. I have no qualms with this at all… except that the new student library will not be air conditioned… so once again, a big f*ck you with both fingers in the air to the admin people/pigs/wankers/dickheads/f*ckwits/etc.
The heat is also starting to get to me. It’s been almost a whole week of thirty something degrees celsius temperatures and I’ve resorted to drinking litres and litres of water in a desperate attempt to keep cool. Tomorrow’s gonna be a scorcher, a full blown 42 degrees which will make it the hottest day in Sydney in 22 years. Bloody hell…
today’s top 5: things that just piss me off
- People who bitch to you about your manners (usually lack there of) and then go and be rude assed sons of bitches. Take my grandma’s friend for example. She calls my house on a regular basis (disconnecting me from my shitty dial up internet), never says “hello”, first thing is always, “is your grandma at home?”. Okay, I can cope with that, old people can be like that. But on every other day where she drops by my place, she bitches to my mum about me not saying hello. Grrr…
- People who have an ego incongruent to their abilities. This encompasses those pompous pricks who think they’re the greatest thing since sliced bread who are really inadequate and incompetent imbeciles. This also covers the people who bash their own work even though it is almost flawless. The first is violence inducing, the latter is just deeply depressing.
- The media and all that it stands for. Why do we need to buy all these products? Why do we all need to look like celebrities? Why the hell do we even need to know what they’re up to? I blame mass media, tv in particular for all the world’s problems. I blame the media for little kids running around yelling obscure nonsense, for adolescents committing suicide at ever increasing rates and for parents doing all sorts of stupid things (such as banning they’re kid from video games because it ‘incites violence’)
- Bureaucratic red tape. This has gone absolutely mad and out of control (much like teen hormones). For an example, read the attached post.
- My English teacher. I’d like to list every single reason (she is that damn annoying) but that would take me several days and I don’t have that much time on my hands. In a nutshell: she is a fascist dictator and the number one cause of deforestation.
Anonymous, at July 25, 2005 10:10 PM
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