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<<~ wakarimasen! ~>>

Friday, November 12, 2004

Green Day - American Idiot

i'm not part of a redneck agenda
now everbody do the propaganda
and sing along at the edge of paranoia

Yay! It's friday! What does that mean? It means tomorrow is... *drum rolls* saturday! And what does that mean? It means i have tutoring >.<

That aside, today was yet another pleasant day of life. What the hell is wrong with me? I'm finding it possible to have a good day at school? Wait a minute, i'm happy?!? Something is definitely wrong with me. Probably too much wine... nah, couldn't be. Must be not enough wine. Any excuse to drink my sorry ass to a state of drunkeness where i behave more like a sober person than when i'm actually sober.

Am i making any sense at all?

today's top 5: ways to stop that bitching voice in your head (a.k.a. your wife)
  1. Give her a credit card with unlimited credit and drop her off at a shopping centre. This should give you enough time to buy a plane ticket to Uzbekistan (or some other equally obscure place) where you won't have to pay the bills on the aforementioned credit card.
  2. See that big sharp thing in the kitchen? It's called a knife. Use it. Whether you choose homocide or suicide is up to you. Suicide is better if she has a conscience, homocide is better if she has a fat will.
  3. Pretend to be deaf. Eventualy she'll either give up talking to you or you'll psychologically induce deafness upon yourself
  4. Get very very drunk. This may not shut her up but you're not going to recall a single thing she said the morning after (or at all if you happen to die from a ruptured liver)
  5. Do whatever it is she tells you, that way she'll have nothing to bitch about. However, this may also entail highly hazardous clothes shopping marathons and should be used only as a last resort


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