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<<~ wakarimasen! ~>>

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Punk is not ded!

Went on a date of sorts with Samantha yesterday evening and being the elitist gourmet that I am, we dined at Maccas. After which we plodded down to Dendy Circular Quay to see Persepolis (released in cinemas Thursday in Australia and released on DVD sometime last month in the States). It was a lovely film and the characters were absolutely charming! I found myself caring about the plights of the characters (who were all in 2D black and white animation) which I found interesting because I've never really cared at all for any characters portrayed by real people. Samantha and I, being ourselves, then had a post-film critique and decided that the black and white animation contributed to the empathy by removing all the distractions of colour and special effects and all the shiny tinselly stuff that most contemporary films use as their bread and butter.

Okay, one rant over, next rant: The writing meme (pinched from Samantha's LJ)

Write poetry?
Yes. In fact, it's about the only thing I write for pleasure besides the occassional letter.

Angsty poetry?
Not nearly as much as I used to.

Most fun character you ever wrote?
Probably Gustaf from my 2006 NaNo entry. The man has issues.

Most annoying character you ever wrote?
Hmmm... I try to make my characters likeable. The angsty teen persona from 'Portrait of a Girl' is a bit annoying and pitiful.

Best plot you ever wrote?
I wrote a choose your own adventure thingy about some guy who was a lawyer by day and a vampire slayer by night. I think that's the only thing I've written lately that has any real plot.

Coolest plot twist you ever wrote?
Falling down the stairs of the tower while running up to fight Dracula.

How often do you get writer's block?
As often as I get lazy (i.e. always)

How do you fix it?
Fish a random word from the dictionary and do 5 or 10 minutes of word association.

Do you type or write by hand?
If I'm editing, I tend to do it on computer because I tend to change my mind a lot. First drafts and those almost brilliant one-liners are written by hand (in my notebook if I have it on me, on random scraps of paper and tissues otherwise).

Do you save everything you write?
Yes, I do! I save all my text messages, poems, one liners, absurd notions, etc. etc. The only thing I don't save are the letters that I write (for obvious reasons).

Do you ever go back to an old idea long after you abandoned it?
All the time. I frequently get bored with working on one piece and put it on the shelf for another day (often another year) while I fidget with some other piece I wrote a lifetime ago.

What's your favorite thing that you've written?
It's hard to say. Probably a haiku I wrote called 'For X'.

What's everyone else's favorite thing that you've written?
Life of Gustaf seems to give people kicks.

Do you ever show people your work?
Absolutely. It's always good to get some feedback from people... and then totally ignore it.

Who's your favorite constructive critic?
Samantha seems to be one of the only people who ever has any idea what I'm trying to get at with my writing. Zhi Wen and Cyd are also quite nifty at picking at things.

Did you ever write a novel?
I've completed two NaNo entires but neither I haven't really been bothered revising and editing either.

Have you ever written fantasy, sci-fi, or horror?
I think my 2007 NaNo entry falls under the category of satirical horror.

Ever written romance or teen angsty drama?
Hmmm... a bit of romance but nothing I'd really call teen angsty drama.

What's one genre you have never written, and probably never will?
I think I've had a bit of a go at almost every genre. I'll probably never go into teen angst again.

How many writing projects are you working on right now?
Let's see...
1. Editing/rewriting of Life of Gustaf
2. Editing of 'Somnambulance' for a poetry competition
3. Vague plotting for NaNo '08
4. Attempting to condense all of Prufrock into a single haiku
5. Assorted poems which are currently a collection of pretty one-liners with no coherence.
6. Amusing philosophy essays.

Do you want to write for a living?
I'd love to but I think the problem with that is that I write for myself. I don't think I could bring myself to write something that would actually appeal to the masses because I don't like pandering.

Have you ever written something for a magazine or newspaper?
I had a letter published in Honi Soit. Does that count?

Have you ever won an award for your writing?
Nope =(

Ever written something in script or play format?
I wrote a play for my year 12 concert. It turned out to be a comedy of errors.

What is your favorite word?
Ethereal, ephemeral, wisp, and sperlunking!

Do you ever write based on yourself?
I think so. Don't we all?

Which of your characters most resembles you?
Gustaf is like a more insane version of me. I'd be exactly like him if it weren't for the existence of social etiquette and sex discrimination laws.

Where do you get ideas for your characters?
I watch too many movies.

Do you ever write based on your dreams?
I wish I could remember any of my dreams.

Do you prefer happy endings, sad endings, or cliff-hangers?
That really depends on how much I like the characters. If they're likable, I try to write them happy endings. If they suck, I kill them all off. But usually, I just get too lazy to think of an ending and leave it open ended.

Have you ever written anything based on an artwork you've seen?
A fair deal of my poetry is based on images I've seen (I'm counting photography as artwork)

Are you concerned with spelling and grammar as you write?
I'm a bit of a Nazi with both, as well as making sure every sentence flows perfectly before moving onto the next.

Ever write something entirely in chatspeak?
I attempted it once and it just made my head hurt. Even when I'm on MSN, I tend to type in full sentences.

Does music help you write?
I find music with lyrics helps when I'm stuck for ideas but is distracting and though contaminating when I know where I'm going.

Are people surprised and confused when they find out you write well?
Only because I write better than most of the idiots I associate with =P.

Quote something you've written.
And it is your presence enthralled
by the gilded bars,
your estranged smiles missing
the many-splendoured thing

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Let us do battle...

in 5-7-5! My wake,
you will be left in!

Another ELIOT (English Loving Insanity On Tuesday), another day of utter literary related madness, culminating in the Writer's Society Haiku Slam. It was a rather entertaining affair as most people chose to completely ignore the thematic rules of haiku and opted, instead, to compose senryu (which beloved Writer's Soc. president Libby declared to be a haiku anyway). I varied my contributions to the night, with a couple of attempts at proper haiku and a couple of senryu:

After winter's death
the grizzly bear awakens,
drinks from melted spring

that smell... old cheddar?
or perhaps mouldy gouda?
Or is it my feet?

pursing my chaffed lips,
holding my breath, waiting for
a kiss not coming

in life, the only
certainty is change, except
from vending machines.

Congratulations to the winner of the evening (I believe it was Tim).

I may have fallen,
but when next we do battle
I will conquer all!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

The price of love

It's often said that it's difficult to place a value on love, but an original Love Song is apparently worth $20,000.

Friday, August 08, 2008

From the vault

While sifting through all the notes and random scraps of paper which make up my poetry scrapbook, I came across this little scribbling. I thought I'd post it since it's a fairly accurate representation of the core from which most of my poems are constructed. It does feel worthy of further development, so keep an eye out for a more refined version in the near-ish future.

Flower after flower;
Fragments of a romance
Lost in a whirlwind of petals.
Her silhouette had danced
Upon cigarette tips.
She'd dreamt of cellophane
And unlit candles.
But she'll never believe in love.

Saturday, August 02, 2008


Autumn morn rises,
old leaf falls, "I love you so"
bitter coffee; cold.

(yes, I realise we are now well into Winter, but Autumn is just so much more awesome. That and snow falling has becomes a bit of a cliche... even more so than leaves falling)