The End of Love
Frequent tears have run
The colours from my life.
So weeping did I witness
The ethereal figure.
His voice was as cold
As the hand that held me.
“Guess who it is that holds thee!”
“Death, for surely naught else should be
So frozen nor so lonesome”
But there, he did reply,
“Not death… love…”
How I wished it had been death!
Here to bring me swift repose.
But love? Nothing could be
Quite so torturous as a heart
That beats,
Punctured by a hundred thorns.
Betwixt faint cheeks – a smile
Emanated an uncomfortable warmth
Where a fire once burned.
He would spread his wings
But for the burden of my heavy heart.
A flawed view of heaven;
Exchanged for earth
To hear “I love thee” once
And “I love thee” once more.
He has become but another victim
Of my lustful violence.
Like a smote soldier yielding
His sword, so shall I yield
The memory of the end of love.
The colours from my life.
So weeping did I witness
The ethereal figure.
His voice was as cold
As the hand that held me.
“Guess who it is that holds thee!”
“Death, for surely naught else should be
So frozen nor so lonesome”
But there, he did reply,
“Not death… love…”
How I wished it had been death!
Here to bring me swift repose.
But love? Nothing could be
Quite so torturous as a heart
That beats,
Punctured by a hundred thorns.
Betwixt faint cheeks – a smile
Emanated an uncomfortable warmth
Where a fire once burned.
He would spread his wings
But for the burden of my heavy heart.
A flawed view of heaven;
Exchanged for earth
To hear “I love thee” once
And “I love thee” once more.
He has become but another victim
Of my lustful violence.
Like a smote soldier yielding
His sword, so shall I yield
The memory of the end of love.
You're really a closet romantic.. awww Mr Cynical has a squishy side...
Anonymous, at July 04, 2005 4:30 PM
*squish squish*! lol =')
εïз (c h i l l y), at July 04, 2005 8:26 PM
: ( It's okay. He's a poet, he has to. *patches up Alan's pride*
Anonymous, at July 04, 2005 9:14 PM
Must you make all good things sound painful? Don't answer that. In regards to your comment on my site, it was well said, although you may like to know that your name is actually spelt A-L-A-N. Take care. By care I mean illegal substances.
Anonymous, at July 04, 2005 10:34 PM
If i don't believe in love, what else is there for me to believe in?
And if I can't spell my name right it's because either:
1. I was on illegal substances at the time OR
2. I've decided to change the spelling (and it has since been changed back)
Yuki, at July 05, 2005 8:13 PM
Unfortunately, I know myself well enough to realise it is easier for me to let myself down than it is for me to let other people down.
Yuki, at July 07, 2005 1:14 PM
woow.. deep stuff =/ there is no end to love... its like a cycle.. just when you think its over... it starts again! ahahah.. ahh well thats life for yah.
the flushing angel, at July 07, 2005 1:46 PM
I reckon love is like a night out drinking. Yeah sure, you get that euphoric feeling, but it never lasts long enough. Soon enough all you have to remember the good times is a horrible headache and a sick feeling in your stomach (not to mention an empty wallet). Even though everyone knows the downside, so many people love to experiment, some even get hooked. I guess you just have to decide if the high is worth putting up with the low. Luckily I've never ended up with a hangover, nor do I intend to.
Anonymous, at July 07, 2005 6:00 PM
I think love is the most over analysed subject ever invented and most people don't even talk about love when they analyse the romance. *shrugs* I've nothing profound the say like you guys - third speakers don't have souls.
Anonymous, at July 07, 2005 7:14 PM
Third speakers don't need souls. Anger seems to be fine substitute for insight anyway.
Yuki, at July 07, 2005 7:17 PM
But Alan, we are not "ex" third speakers... no more debates.
Anonymous, at July 07, 2005 9:10 PM
You lost me on that last comment, Libby.
Yuki, at July 07, 2005 9:43 PM
Thuy- an, you don't need to tell me you love to drink lol. Maybe you're so anti- love because you are such a cheap drunk haha. By the way being a cheap drunk isn't a bad thing, you get happier faster.
Anonymous, at July 07, 2005 9:56 PM
Being a cheap drunk is not a good thing. The idea of drinking is to get other people wasted so they spill their secrets. You'd like to sober when you hear them.
Yuki, at July 07, 2005 10:24 PM
Anonymous, at July 07, 2005 10:47 PM
I may have one more debate left but it won't count for anything because our entire zone's been collapsed for some crazy reason.
Yuki, at July 08, 2005 4:29 PM
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