Sweet Dream
The stars twirl and twinkle overhead.
She wonders what they are.
A slow lullaby reminds her
That it doesn't matter
As she falls asleep.
She dreams of cotton candy skies
And chocolate covered rainbows.
Sweet dreams...
Perched swallows sing, each to each.
And they all sing for her.
Their song reminds her of mother's.
She wonders where mother will get them:
The mockingbirds and diamond rings,
And thinks about how she'd like a swallow.
'Why are you singing, swallows?'
'Because we're happy! Because we're happy!'
'Why are you happy, swallows?'
'Because you are here! Because you are here!'
'Your song makes me very happy.'
'Sing with us! Sing with us!'
'But I do not know how...'
Blue eyes squint at the sun outside.
She wonders where the swallows have gone.
Mother's voice reminds her
That it doesn't matter.
She wonders what they are.
A slow lullaby reminds her
That it doesn't matter
As she falls asleep.
She dreams of cotton candy skies
And chocolate covered rainbows.
Sweet dreams...
Perched swallows sing, each to each.
And they all sing for her.
Their song reminds her of mother's.
She wonders where mother will get them:
The mockingbirds and diamond rings,
And thinks about how she'd like a swallow.
'Why are you singing, swallows?'
'Because we're happy! Because we're happy!'
'Why are you happy, swallows?'
'Because you are here! Because you are here!'
'Your song makes me very happy.'
'Sing with us! Sing with us!'
'But I do not know how...'
Blue eyes squint at the sun outside.
She wonders where the swallows have gone.
Mother's voice reminds her
That it doesn't matter.
Framing and poetic dialogue ...
two of my favourite things!
Anonymous, at June 19, 2005 8:38 PM
Glad you like it. Ever get the feeling we're the only two to ever comment on any of my poetry posts?
Yuki, at June 19, 2005 9:05 PM
I could always sign in as some other Anon so that we don't look so lonely and pathetic.
Anonymous, at June 19, 2005 10:27 PM
Thanks you so much for supporting my artistic endeavours.
Yuki, at June 20, 2005 7:02 PM
mmm, chocolate covered rainbows
Anonymous, at June 20, 2005 8:35 PM
Stop eating my rainbows!
Yuki, at June 20, 2005 8:55 PM
Well... they weren't that good anyway :P
Anonymous, at June 21, 2005 12:27 AM
Haha nice one, alan *high five*
εïз (c h i l l y), at June 21, 2005 4:39 PM
Cheers, Cyd *High fives*. Mary seems quite intent on puncturing my muse's ego. Tells me to write a happy poem and then criticises the taste of my chocolate rainbow. I'm hurt...
Yuki, at June 21, 2005 7:12 PM
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