The Divine Comedy
Well, I just got my report from school and the marks were so amazing(-ly attrocious) that it is almost funny. Anyway, I found an excerpt from Dante's 'Divine Comedy' that more or less sums up my currect situation. Lines 22 to 27 from The inferno, Canto XXXIV.
How frozen and faint I then became,
Ask me not, reader! For I write it not,
Since words would fail to tell thee of my state.
I was not dead nor living. Think thyself
If quick conception work in thee at all,
How I did feel...
How frozen and faint I then became,
Ask me not, reader! For I write it not,
Since words would fail to tell thee of my state.
I was not dead nor living. Think thyself
If quick conception work in thee at all,
How I did feel...
*generic supportive comment*
L... stop calling me 'darling'.
Anonymous, at May 26, 2005 10:23 PM
*generic acceptance of support*
Trying to stop her calling you 'darling' will prove to be almost as difficult as stopping politicians from lying.
Yuki, at May 26, 2005 10:46 PM
If you're without a name, sweetheart, I'll call you whatever I please. Less you rather me stick with Anon. You could at least sign off with an initial or something because I'll end up filling you up with various pet names. "pet" being one of them.
Anonymous, at May 26, 2005 10:51 PM
L is a her? *is baffled*
an initial would give away my identity, which i am guarding like Superman would.
and alan... one day i will stop the politicians from lying. i dont care if i have to sleep with the entire cabinet.
Anonymous, at May 26, 2005 11:50 PM
I'm not sure what sleeping with the entire cabinet will do as far as stopping the lies is concerned, but i am pretty certain that it won't be a very pleasant experience.
Yuki, at May 27, 2005 7:22 PM
definitely unpleasant. nobody's disputing that.
and the worst pet name in the world is pumpkin. why would anyone want to be a pumpkin?
Anonymous, at May 27, 2005 9:06 PM
Because orange is a lovely colour and makes beautiful soup. Why wouldn't you be a pumpkin.
I enjoy the politician's lies. But I think I would enjoy the scandles you create more - then again, I don't know if those old blokes have functioning genitals.
Anonymous, at May 27, 2005 9:39 PM
I'm questioning whether or not those old blokes have genitals. Even if they did, they'd be as impotent as the UN.
Yuki, at May 27, 2005 9:49 PM
ok so my Fucking for Truth campaign may not work as well as i first hoped.
and since L likes to argue... the worst pet name (other than pumpkin) is shnookums. argue that.
Anonymous, at May 27, 2005 9:56 PM
I think shnookums is an under-used pet name these days. Too much 'honey' for my liking, but i've never had that much of a sweet tooth (lying through whatever teeth i have left)
Yuki, at May 27, 2005 10:08 PM
Shnookums puts the pet back into pet name. I don't think it was ever used by lovers - more grandmother and grandson or owner and pet or kindy teacher and student. I'm impartial to that one - it implies that the shnookumer is above the shnookumee - so condoscending. I don't have an opinion I'm afraid so you'll disappoint you. Minus 4 points for L?
I tend to get called "mouse" as a pet name. Occasionaly "fieldmouse" or "maus" if you're feeling German. I like my pet name - doesn't suit my debating manner one bit.
Anonymous, at May 27, 2005 10:27 PM
pssh you're no fun then.
i get 'chickenlegs' a lot... what's with all these food-related pet names?
i had no idea anyone called you mouse.
and yes, minus 4 points to you.
Anonymous, at May 27, 2005 10:38 PM
You're the one with my Divine Comedy!
Do you have my George Orwell too?
Anonymous, at May 28, 2005 12:06 PM
Oh, 'chickenlegs' ey? I think i've worked out who the mysterious anon. person is. ^^
Yuki, at May 28, 2005 7:39 PM
venture a guess? minus 3 points if you say 'lauren'. she's chicken, not chickenlegs.
Anonymous, at May 28, 2005 7:54 PM
I'm guessing Megan.
Yuki, at May 28, 2005 8:36 PM
took you long enough.
how did you know people call me chickenlegs?
Anonymous, at May 28, 2005 9:25 PM
Elementary, my dear megan. You were the only person in ext 2 that i could imagine people calling chickenlegs.
Yuki, at May 28, 2005 9:35 PM
well congratulations, a million points to ALAN!!!
bet you regret calling me darling now, dont you L?
Anonymous, at May 28, 2005 9:51 PM
Hardly - I can pretend to my your lesbian lover and ruin your reputation for ever.
And why should I regret calling you darling, sweetheart?
: ) If ever I need any favours, Alan's usually happy to help because he's just a lovely third speaker whom I occasionally exchange projectiles with.
Anonymous, at May 29, 2005 12:45 PM
Though now that you have a name, I will start calling you Megan. I tend to like calling people something so those without names get pet names. That is unless you rather me call you chickenlegs.
Anonymous, at May 29, 2005 12:47 PM
awwh i assumed i knew L, but now im not so sure.
and having a lesbian lover would not ruin my reputation. it might even make it better...
Anonymous, at May 29, 2005 2:27 PM
Well, there arn't any secrets as to my idenity. My name is Libby, you might have met me - the Hurlstone girl who hung around with Alan at the extension two seminars.
I could always be that ex lover who says that the head was bad and then ruin your reputation.
Anonymous, at May 29, 2005 2:35 PM
haha yeah i think i remember you.
and i'll pay big points if you dont ruin my reputation. not that i have one.
Anonymous, at May 29, 2005 2:55 PM
Maybe I'll call upon that if ever I need warheads. Otherwise, I'm one of the happy poor.
Anonymous, at May 29, 2005 5:17 PM
You can have the warhead for Christmas. Assuming, of course, that I haven't already used it to restore Sefton to the swamp it once was.
Yuki, at May 29, 2005 7:19 PM
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