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<<~ wakarimasen! ~>>

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Corrinne May - Same Side Of The Moon

And though you'll never see the tears shining through
I know i can't be that far away from you
if we're both looking at the same side of the moon

Well, what can i say... from last week's volcanic 38 degrees to today's chilly 15 degrees. If i weren't an atheist, i would think that God was either pissed or pissed off. But, since i am an atheist, i'll blame it on my shitty karma which has finally caught up with me. Just because i'm an atheist doesn't mean i can't be superstitious.

since i've got nothing else to discuss, i figured i'd make today's topic of discussion is the role religion plays in the dystopic society of today. I suppose in a world as stuffed up as our own there are three trains of thought as to why having god/s is important. For the atheist/cynic religion means as much as the sand on a foreign planet. For the devoutist, religion is a way of finding guidance and spiritual enlightment. For everyone else, religion is a way to dump off emotional baggage onto figures which may or may not be real.

However, what the devoutist often overlooks is the religious loophole which exists. All religions (save Buddhism) condemn the worshipping of 'false idols'. These false idols include the gods of any other religion. So in effect, all catholics are damned by the islam religion, all islams are damned by the Greek orthodox, so on and so forth. However, no religion states that not worshipping their god/s will result in eternal damnation in the pits of hell/hades/etc. This is where the atheists (such as myself) win out. As atheists worship no god, they are safely hedging their bets and will be the only ones not to go to hell as a result of this loophole.

Another reason why the atheist is less likely to go to hell than the devout church/temple/mosque/etc. goer lies in the 'charitable acts' clause. Most religions preach helping others and working towards the betterment of your fellow man as being a pathway to heaven. Put simply, going to church/temple/mosuqe/etc. in no way contributes to society (positive or otherwise). Instead, the atheist spends this time doing charity work, visiting old folks homes etc. which do actually have a positive effect. Not all atheists fit this criteria however as many are morally broke, but so are many visitors to places of worship.

The devoutist is the one who goes to church, reads the bible at night and goes to hell. Meanwhile, the atheist ignores the word of the bible, does what they feel is morally correct and goes to heaven.

today's top 5: irritating cartoons
  1. The king of all pissy cartoons is, without a doubt, pokemon. Not only does every episode possess the same story line (using that term very broadly there) the series has dragged on forever and ever and ever... as Jeffery put it, "it's about some sad ass guy who keeps winning battles under amazing coincidences. why the hell can't he just finish his journey already? Sif drag it on for 5 series...".
  2. Crush gears is yet another annoying cartoon from Japan. It's effectively pokemon but with people yelling at tank-robot things instead of midget monsters. Everything about this cartoon is irksome, even the theme song sucks
  3. Bob the builder isn't all that bad a cartoon... until they released the opening song as a single. now i have a swarm of deranged madmen running around singing it and for that reason alone, bob deserves to be on this list. can we fix it? i bloody hope so
  4. as far as confusing plots go, nothing comes close to evangelion. unlike pokemon with it's almost non-existent plot, the storyline behind evangelion makes about as much sense as re-electing George W. Bush as president. By the time you've worked out what the hell is going on, you will have watched the same episode about 6 times and it would have become tediously boring and irritating
  5. you'd figure any cartoon about driving fast cars with some romance would score well wouldn't you? initial d fits both those criteria. unfortunately, it suffers from too-many-seasons-to-finish-plot syndrome.

note: apologies to any religious fanatic who reads this entry. i am only expressing my views as both an atheist and as a cynic. in no way are my words intended to bring about the apocalypse.


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