Goo Goo Dolls - Iris
you're the closest to heaven that i'll ever be
and i don't want to go home right now...
As with every weekedn in my life, this one was equally lethargic and meaningless. Saturday: go tutor, have dinner, watch tv until about 12. Sunday: wake up at 9-ish, ride bike, have lunch, go back to sleep, do some work, have dinner, bum around on computer, go to sleep. Same boring as hell routine every single god damned weekend for as long as i can remember. I have to find something meaningful to do with my life besides sleeping
Anyway, during all the non-active time i have every weekend, i think about things that either make me really depressed or just piss me off no end. This weekend got me thinking about not having a girlfriend. On the one hand, seeing everyone else having such intimate relationships and being all along is sort of depressing. I want to have someone to share my trials and tribulations with (damn there are heaps of those) and someone to give me a purpose (besides self gratification) to do the things i do. Yet, at the same time, i know that i haven't met anyone really special that i would want to devote my time and thoughts to. Maybe i am ignorant. Maybe the answer has been sitting inf ront of me this whole time...
today's top 5: novel ways of committing suicide
and i don't want to go home right now...
As with every weekedn in my life, this one was equally lethargic and meaningless. Saturday: go tutor, have dinner, watch tv until about 12. Sunday: wake up at 9-ish, ride bike, have lunch, go back to sleep, do some work, have dinner, bum around on computer, go to sleep. Same boring as hell routine every single god damned weekend for as long as i can remember. I have to find something meaningful to do with my life besides sleeping
Anyway, during all the non-active time i have every weekend, i think about things that either make me really depressed or just piss me off no end. This weekend got me thinking about not having a girlfriend. On the one hand, seeing everyone else having such intimate relationships and being all along is sort of depressing. I want to have someone to share my trials and tribulations with (damn there are heaps of those) and someone to give me a purpose (besides self gratification) to do the things i do. Yet, at the same time, i know that i haven't met anyone really special that i would want to devote my time and thoughts to. Maybe i am ignorant. Maybe the answer has been sitting inf ront of me this whole time...
today's top 5: novel ways of committing suicide
- sniff liquid paper until you bleed to death through your nose
- chain yourself to a chair, throw away the key and play music from the bee gees until either your testicles, bladder or head explode
- attempt to castrate or circumcise yourself using a kitchen knife. should you survive operating on yourself, you can then use the kitchen knife to commit suicide the regular way
- Try to force a bowling ball into you mouth. This works in one of two ways. You will either die of old age trying to get the damn thing fits in or (and this is far less likely) you manage to get the thing into your mouth and then die from a stomach haemorhage.
- walk into Cabramatta dressed as Pauline Hanson
hehe..continuing our discussion on suicide. You have loads of typos btw..think u must have been tired cos ur typing was pretty off the whole nite. It's haemorRhage btw..=)
Regina, at October 24, 2004 11:02 PM
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