Utada Hikaru - Blow My Whistle
whether you are ready or not
i'm coming with all that i've got
then while you decide
we are undefined
Nursing some wounds and giving the rear end a bit of a break. Let me explain. Yesterday i went bike riding with the unholy trinity (David, Keagan and Liam). Half way through the 30-ish kilometre trail, David's bike decides that it would be funny to start leaking air from the front tyre. Needless to say, the tyre was flat within about 10 minutes. This effectively turned a 3 hour ride into a 7 and a bit hour one going at snails pace.
When going downhill at a rather high speed (stupid me) i hit a conveniently positioned patch of gravel. Despite my desperate attempts at braking, the rear wheel took a massive slide sideways and i ended up pile driving side on into a fence (ouch ouch ouch!). Luckily, i got away with only a few grazes and a bruised left shoulder.
In summary, bad things happen when David is around. Things implode for no reason, dormant volcanoes erupt and durian sized hailstones fall from the collapsing sky. Note to self: bike+david=slow. Second note to self: bike+downhill+gravel=fence
today's top 5: signs that you're an asian
i'm coming with all that i've got
then while you decide
we are undefined
Nursing some wounds and giving the rear end a bit of a break. Let me explain. Yesterday i went bike riding with the unholy trinity (David, Keagan and Liam). Half way through the 30-ish kilometre trail, David's bike decides that it would be funny to start leaking air from the front tyre. Needless to say, the tyre was flat within about 10 minutes. This effectively turned a 3 hour ride into a 7 and a bit hour one going at snails pace.
When going downhill at a rather high speed (stupid me) i hit a conveniently positioned patch of gravel. Despite my desperate attempts at braking, the rear wheel took a massive slide sideways and i ended up pile driving side on into a fence (ouch ouch ouch!). Luckily, i got away with only a few grazes and a bruised left shoulder.
In summary, bad things happen when David is around. Things implode for no reason, dormant volcanoes erupt and durian sized hailstones fall from the collapsing sky. Note to self: bike+david=slow. Second note to self: bike+downhill+gravel=fence
today's top 5: signs that you're an asian
- you say things such as "wah!" and "aiya!"
- you and/or your parents drive shitty cars such as toyota camry because of cheap insurance and fuel economy
- your parents forbid you from having a boyfriend/girlfriend until you're at least 25
- your doctor will prescribe panadol and rest for any ailment ranging from a headache to bubonic plague
- visiting other people's homes invariably results in a visit to a fruit shop to pick up a gift box of mangoes (or whatever's cheapest at the time)
disclaimer: please note that i am also asian and it is therefore perfectly acceptable for me to be publishing such KKK-esque nonsense
rofflx. it's ok when you bash your own race in, but when others do it, that's not cool. bloody asians. (yes i am asian too) i've got one for you. you know your asian because your house is behind your grocery store. xD wtf?!
Anonymous, at October 10, 2004 5:16 PM
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