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<<~ wakarimasen! ~>>

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Why It Should Be Edible

Ideally, 'study' in the context of the HSC should be something edible. Reasons for this include:
  1. It takes hours to digest but only a few minutes to turn to shit.
  2. It's disgusting just like everything else that is supposedly good for us.
  3. Like all disgusting food, it really won't do us any good and we'll end up regurgitating the lot in the exam hall (assuming it hasn't already turned to shit).
  4. Not eating = death. Not studying = low UAI = death.
  5. Too much food = cardiac arrest. Too much study = cardiac arrest.
  6. A frequently used mathematical term is homophonic with a round pastry dish.
  7. We all love food. If study were edible, we would love study too.


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