An Eight Year Old Watches
On the radio, he hears about people
blowing themselves up.
The newsman calls it "jihad".
He asksda ddy "why?"
And daddy tells him
He's too young to understand.
On TV, he watches people
Bouncing on beds together.
They curse and sound in pain.
He asks daddy 'why?"
And daddy tells him
He'll know when he's older.
In the city, he sees people
Squatting on street corners,
Trembling as they ask for money.
He asks daddy "why?"
And daddy tells him
He's not old enough to understand,
Because he is just
Another eight year old
In an R-rated world.
blowing themselves up.
The newsman calls it "jihad".
He asksda ddy "why?"
And daddy tells him
He's too young to understand.
On TV, he watches people
Bouncing on beds together.
They curse and sound in pain.
He asks daddy 'why?"
And daddy tells him
He'll know when he's older.
In the city, he sees people
Squatting on street corners,
Trembling as they ask for money.
He asks daddy "why?"
And daddy tells him
He's not old enough to understand,
Because he is just
Another eight year old
In an R-rated world.
I like this. It's clever. Think about having dad use the same reply each time and possibly more detail with the imagery.
Anonymous, at July 17, 2005 2:49 PM
Definitely needs more work in the imagery department. Not too fussed about the repetition of dad's comments.
Yuki, at July 17, 2005 7:46 PM
Out of curiousity - how is a begger R-rated?
Anonymous, at July 17, 2005 11:02 PM
well, R-rated wan't meant in a literal sense, more that it's an adult issue.
Yuki, at July 17, 2005 11:10 PM
"In the city, he sees people
Squatting on street corners,
Trembling as they ask for money.
I'm 17 and I STILL ask myself WHY! Like OMFG we have one of the best welfare systems in Australia, GO CENTRELINK. Or better yet, GO find a bloody job. Be a street sweeper, whatever! T_T; I HATE how hobos dirty the streets of the city, when its meant to be a nice urban environment.
Jenny, at July 18, 2005 9:45 AM
sad, but true ._.
you can't get welfare unless you have an address so homeless people are sadly doomed to the streets.
- shorket, at July 18, 2005 8:30 PM
The point is, this world has been raped by human society.
Yuki, at July 18, 2005 9:37 PM
Um, did Jenny just say that Australia has one of the best welfare systems in the world? Ha!
I call to attention all the times when my family and relatives have been paid too much welfare, then forced to pay the excess back at the most inopportune time. For good welfare systems, look at most European countries (especially the Netherlands).
Besides, not many people decide, of their own volition, to be on the streets. More often it is some sort of degeneration of the world around them which forces them to it (though I won't hoodwink you: many, many homeless people are there because of their predilection for alcohol or hard drugs).
I suppose that most self-respecting streetpeople would jobseek very hard, because panhandling is too tiring and degrading for the pocket change you'd likely get.
Anonymous, at July 18, 2005 10:26 PM
They did a study on how much the average beggar 'earns' recently. Turns out, they earn just a little less than the average process worker. Keep in mind that they don't pay tax either.
Yuki, at July 18, 2005 11:00 PM
Why do people even think Beggars are a problem? It's an effective means of income distribution. Those who FEEL rich enouch to give, do and those who want money get it. They smell bad and arn't nice to look at, that's all. For many, it's a lifestyle choice and as a would be very very poor constitutional lawyer living in a shoebox, these tramps have paved the way for my future lifestyle.
Anonymous, at July 19, 2005 5:52 PM
Libby, how much money do all the Sefton debaters owe you?
Yuki, at July 20, 2005 10:13 PM
I owe you money Libby!
And Centrelink owes me too! Haha, our welfare system is better than others, but keep a close eye on the Howard government as they back pedal. They want to be like beloved America, who have the biggest gap between rich and poor. Don't you reckon its embarrassing for the US to have its poorest people living in the same conditions as people in third world countries? Anyways, go the Netherlands and Canada!
Alan I like the poem, but general editing to make it sound gooder like mine English does wouldn't go astray.
Anonymous, at July 21, 2005 12:44 AM
Poverty sucks harder than anything you'll find at Godfreys. Nobody should have to live in third world conditions (especially not people in developed nations) and nobody should emulate the yanks... ever...
Yuki, at July 21, 2005 10:21 PM
I'll give the list to Danny on Monday to pass on to you along with Notebook which was just lovely. Your hardcore angry third cried.
Anonymous, at July 23, 2005 10:42 PM
I'm glad you liked it. I'll lend you Quill next. It's another one of those very nice movies.
Yuki, at July 24, 2005 9:35 PM
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