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<<~ wakarimasen! ~>>

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Xing nian quai le!

Happy Chinese New Year everyboy! But as we all know, the only thing that happens is that you eat leftovers from some over the top celebration for a month, have annoying relos and friends visiting at all hours and listen to some annoying kids singing the same annoying songs over and over again (think christmas carolling only worse). But as we also all know, it's also the time where our wallets become big and fat. Is it worth being annoyed for 2 hours for $20? You bet it is! My total red envelope income is sitting at $340 at the moment with more to come. *dollar signs light up in eyes*

School photo day tomorrow as well. Every year, i always end up looking like a complete blooming moron on photo day because the wind messes up my hair, or pulling off my jumper creates mass amounts of static or my eyes are closed, the list just goes on. This will probably be the last time i ever get to take a photo with all 150-odd people in my grade, so hopefully everything goes alright tomorrow. And if it doesn't, i'm gonna have to learn how to use photo shop.

Valentines day coming up soon too. What does that mean? Ummm... another reminder that i'm doomed to be alone? Most likely, but i've gotten so used to the feeling the only thing that annoys/amuses me are the sing-o-grams being delivered and maybe my friends whacking me with their roses (at $3 each ><). Not that i don't believe in love (nor do i believe in it) but i refuse to pay up money to show i love somebody. It's just too full of shit.


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