Yellowcard - Ocean Avenue
We were both sixteen and it felt so right,
sleeping all day, staying up all night...
After a week of being psychologically screwed over (more so than usual), i've more or less come back down to earth. I've realised that some things just aren't worth stressing about and that stressing about them doesn't make them go away, it only makes them more difficult to cope with and deprives you of whatever joys life does hold. Anyway, thanks to the people to talked me through it and to the people who just dropped a message. It all helped.
Now that my life is back on track, i can get back to being my cynical self (*viewers groan*). First thing on the agenda is the shitted up state of my school at the moment. Not sure if i mentioned it in a previous post, but construction on the new library block was supposed to have been completed at the end of the first wekk back to school. A month later, guess what? It's still not finished. What this means is that volleyball (one of my past times) is still restricted to the crappy, un-mowed grass courts that were supposed to be temporary. In this instance, the school was not lying as the lines on the court have faded away and only a thin trace of mud remains as an outline adn even this is being overrrun by grass and weeds. I may have taken it incorrectly, but i assumed that when we were told we could have the court back at the end of week one, they meant end of week one THIS term. Turns out they meant week one some time about 40 years down the track.
Other issues? My whole life is a conglomeration of issues. My english major works is still remaining as a collection of haiku but what i failed to realise was that the word limit means that i will have to write in excess of 200 haiku to meet the criteria. Quite frankly, not even i'm bored enough to notice enough small things going on in the world to have enough topics for that many haiku. Instead, i've broadened my anthology to include other forms of Japanese poetry. The most important of these is the renga, which is basically a big fat string of haiku glued togeterh with each verse linking to the one before it. This will be about 80+ verses long and will be the centre piece of the anthology. Still searching for a topic that i could ramble on about poetically for such a long time.
School issues aside, religion has also been another major point of discussion/ridicule on this blog. Recently, one of my friends got a visit from one of those guys trying to persuade (*cough*con*cough*) him to become a Christian. Since then, he's been bugging eevrybody non-stop about what they tihnk of God and the like. Anyway, he asked me if i believed in God to which i replied, "Hell no! If God created the universe, who the hell created him?". At this point in the discussion, somebody said, "People believe in him and do not question their faith". Under that logic, i would like to proclaim that fluorescent purple hippopotamus also exist. At the moment, that statement seems absolutely absurd (and it will probably always be that way) but as soon as i start a religion based on it, let's call it Hipophitian, people will congregate in a hall of some sort and worship a statue of a giant purple hippo. What's my point? The point is, people believe in gods and religion because they are told to and because they feel it gives them purpose and direction in life. For atheists, such as myself, religion is the science of science fiction, much like propaganda.
Now that i've inflicted more of my (anti) religious beliefs on you, it's time for...
Dodgy haiku: part 3 (so bad, i skipped a number)
sleeping all day, staying up all night...
After a week of being psychologically screwed over (more so than usual), i've more or less come back down to earth. I've realised that some things just aren't worth stressing about and that stressing about them doesn't make them go away, it only makes them more difficult to cope with and deprives you of whatever joys life does hold. Anyway, thanks to the people to talked me through it and to the people who just dropped a message. It all helped.
Now that my life is back on track, i can get back to being my cynical self (*viewers groan*). First thing on the agenda is the shitted up state of my school at the moment. Not sure if i mentioned it in a previous post, but construction on the new library block was supposed to have been completed at the end of the first wekk back to school. A month later, guess what? It's still not finished. What this means is that volleyball (one of my past times) is still restricted to the crappy, un-mowed grass courts that were supposed to be temporary. In this instance, the school was not lying as the lines on the court have faded away and only a thin trace of mud remains as an outline adn even this is being overrrun by grass and weeds. I may have taken it incorrectly, but i assumed that when we were told we could have the court back at the end of week one, they meant end of week one THIS term. Turns out they meant week one some time about 40 years down the track.
Other issues? My whole life is a conglomeration of issues. My english major works is still remaining as a collection of haiku but what i failed to realise was that the word limit means that i will have to write in excess of 200 haiku to meet the criteria. Quite frankly, not even i'm bored enough to notice enough small things going on in the world to have enough topics for that many haiku. Instead, i've broadened my anthology to include other forms of Japanese poetry. The most important of these is the renga, which is basically a big fat string of haiku glued togeterh with each verse linking to the one before it. This will be about 80+ verses long and will be the centre piece of the anthology. Still searching for a topic that i could ramble on about poetically for such a long time.
School issues aside, religion has also been another major point of discussion/ridicule on this blog. Recently, one of my friends got a visit from one of those guys trying to persuade (*cough*con*cough*) him to become a Christian. Since then, he's been bugging eevrybody non-stop about what they tihnk of God and the like. Anyway, he asked me if i believed in God to which i replied, "Hell no! If God created the universe, who the hell created him?". At this point in the discussion, somebody said, "People believe in him and do not question their faith". Under that logic, i would like to proclaim that fluorescent purple hippopotamus also exist. At the moment, that statement seems absolutely absurd (and it will probably always be that way) but as soon as i start a religion based on it, let's call it Hipophitian, people will congregate in a hall of some sort and worship a statue of a giant purple hippo. What's my point? The point is, people believe in gods and religion because they are told to and because they feel it gives them purpose and direction in life. For atheists, such as myself, religion is the science of science fiction, much like propaganda.
Now that i've inflicted more of my (anti) religious beliefs on you, it's time for...
Dodgy haiku: part 3 (so bad, i skipped a number)
Waking up
One day we will wake
to the scent of roses;
not bloodied coffee
Valentines Day
I see my body
hanging outside the window;
disturbed... undisturbed
Dark clouds congregate.
I find the devils's feather's,
lost in the raindrops
hey you should tell the readers what your haikus mean... i.e. analyse them, but not OVER-analysing, like Desi, 'cos he's just gay. Good luck with your english major work =]
εïз (c h i l l y), at March 01, 2005 8:17 PM
No, by all means, over-analyse your works. It's so much more fun that way.
Anonymous, at March 01, 2005 8:32 PM
as much as i hate to agree with desi, it si actually more fun to over-analyse things. especially when it's your own work since you can never be wrong no matter waht you say it is about =)
Yuki, at March 01, 2005 8:36 PM
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