To be or not to be...
Well, it's been a long time since I've blogged. Possibly the longest hiatus since I started in year 10 as a way to whittle away the early hours of morning. I have no real excuse for not blogging other than that I've just been too damn lazy and apathetic to do so. Of course, I've felt no need to use this blog as a place to vent because... well, being the holiday and all, everybody's got time aplenty to listen to my ranting and raving and general he-bitching. And after all this time, I wondered whether I still had it in me to continue blogging. I had planned to write up a eulogy and end the suffering of my poor neglected blog, but decided against it as uni is once again starting up which means I'll need a place to vent my spleen once again. Giving tree, thy name be blog.
I've been doing a great deal of thinking about what it is I've been doing and where it is that I want to go, eventually coming to the conclusion that I haven't the faintest clue. All my best laid plans in the past have all fallen through, usually the result of some rather amazingly outstanding circumstaces. With that experience in mind, I've decided that it doesn't particularly matter where I plan to go as long as I make the most of the insanity that happens along the way. After all, life without a pinch of randomness and a sprinkling of drama can hardly be called life.
I've also spent much time thinking about all the time I've spent without any real intimate relationship. My conclusion? That I'm better off waiting until I feel it's right and starting something that will last rather than diving head first into something that I'm going to regret afterwards. But then, that's the problem with relationships isn't it? It always feels right at the time because Cupid is such a cheeky, trigger happy little shit. And perhaps that's my problem. That I'm willing to wait. That I'm willing to be patient in this one thing where patience is perhaps not called for. Maybe it's time I roll the dice and see what comes up. With enough luck, I'll win the beauty pageant, end up directly at Mayfair and collect the spoils as I pass go. If not, I'll end up going to jail, directly to jail. In the end, it's just a game.
I've been doing a great deal of thinking about what it is I've been doing and where it is that I want to go, eventually coming to the conclusion that I haven't the faintest clue. All my best laid plans in the past have all fallen through, usually the result of some rather amazingly outstanding circumstaces. With that experience in mind, I've decided that it doesn't particularly matter where I plan to go as long as I make the most of the insanity that happens along the way. After all, life without a pinch of randomness and a sprinkling of drama can hardly be called life.
I've also spent much time thinking about all the time I've spent without any real intimate relationship. My conclusion? That I'm better off waiting until I feel it's right and starting something that will last rather than diving head first into something that I'm going to regret afterwards. But then, that's the problem with relationships isn't it? It always feels right at the time because Cupid is such a cheeky, trigger happy little shit. And perhaps that's my problem. That I'm willing to wait. That I'm willing to be patient in this one thing where patience is perhaps not called for. Maybe it's time I roll the dice and see what comes up. With enough luck, I'll win the beauty pageant, end up directly at Mayfair and collect the spoils as I pass go. If not, I'll end up going to jail, directly to jail. In the end, it's just a game.
I think patience is vital for this game, so there's absolutely nothing wrong with waiting. Of course, while you're at it, you're encouraged to record every step of the journey in the most emo way possible (but pretty emo, of course).
And there's always Vienna! <3
Samantha, at February 25, 2008 11:28 PM
Haha I dunno man, it's the 21st century and all, but half of us are still waiting and the other half's tired of it. I'd say with the girl you like, try to find out in which half she belongs, and make your move if it's called for. Then again, there's no closure like putting yourself out there xD
εïз (c h i l l y), at February 27, 2008 9:20 PM
I'm not even sure if I want closure. I find the mystery of not knowing to be much more inspiring.
Yuki, at February 28, 2008 12:13 PM
inspiring? or just cowardice? waiting is definitely not the way to go. you'll be waiting..and waiting..and waiting..and get the idea. and everyone will just pass you by. grab the opportunity and see what comes out of it!
Regina, at March 01, 2008 2:00 AM
A bit of inspiration and a bit of cowardice, I'm afraid. It's not as though I plan to wait indefinitely and I've found that going in head first tends not to work so well either. I need to find a balance.
Yuki, at March 02, 2008 2:25 PM
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