Here we go again...
So, once again, stuvac is upon us. And we all know what that means... That's right, studying! *insert nervous cough here*. Or not. It should mean studying. After all, stuvac is short for study vacation (which is a pretty crappy vacation really). Quite frankly, I have selective thinking which means I'm perfectly capable of ignoring things I don't like and that means the 'study' part of stuvac. I've spent the past couple of days staring at various screens. Re-watching the Godfather trilogy because it's just total awesomeness (even the much maligned third one is pretty good compared to most of the junk at cinemas these days), staring mindlessly at my computer minotor in the hope that someone will start some inane conversation with me on MSN or staring at my DS screen as I try to solve the increasingly bizarre cases in Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. The one thing I should be staring at but haven't been is the pile of lecture notes and textbooks on my desk (okay, I lie. The books were on my desk. They are now in a nice tidy pile in the corner of my room.)
Other activities that I have partaken in in a desperate attempt to avoid having to do any sort of study include:
Other activities that I have partaken in in a desperate attempt to avoid having to do any sort of study include:
- purchasing and constructing a large bookshelf (in hindsight, it would have been easier to construct it in my room rather than just outside my room. I figured it'd be easier since it was a bit roomier outside.)
- arranging all the junk in my room onto said bookshelf (which entailed sifting through the piles of junk which had accumulated in my old shelves, and arranging my books and dvds in alphabetical order)
- vacuuming the house (twice)
- playing one man scrabble (which is even geekier than playing scrabble with someone else)
- arranging my deck of uno cards (by number, by colour, and by alphabetical order)
- arranging my deck of playing cards
- attempting to juggle cutlery... and failing miserably
- wandering down to the local shopping centre for no reason in particular
- sleeping (one of my personal favourites)
- reading the dozen odd books on my shelf that I bought but never got around to reading, none of which are related to what I'm doing at uni
- thinking of ways to avoid having to do any real study
Be happy that you have study vacation, the rest of us have to procrastinate doing ridiculous crap while still attending class.
My favourites in the past week have been cleaning my room, halloween party, drinking alcohol, Saw marathon - Ive seen all four now :D, reading The Grapes of Wrath (something that I havent been able to do for a year - Im now halfway through the book) and working more then I should.
My sister called me psychotic because I keep my books and DVD's in alphabetical order too...
Anonymous, at November 03, 2007 2:30 PM
I had a little Saw marathon as well. Didn't have time to catch the fourth one, though I do intend to once these exams are out of the way.
Yuki, at November 03, 2007 10:29 PM
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