*sings* a realisation we all need to find, that it's all in our heads when we're changing our minds about loooove, love, about love...
Haha assuming it's about that... well even if it isn't, don't worry! It's probably just in your mind. It usually is. Be happy, it's the holidays =D (yes I'm still high)
awwwwww i hope nothing's wrooooong!! is smth wrong?? boo alan! but dw, you have a bunch of friends to catch if you fall! though don't fall on me, i don't think my frame can support you, too veeeeak! but i can try!!
1 minute to respond to kirsten's message...thats pretty fast ._. and wow...they actually have spelling check here on your comments. Apparently the name kirsten doesn't exist. Anyways there there Alan *pat pat& (first time commenting though i have been reading from a long time ago ;D)
Hahah! I seem to have more readers than commenters. The snappy reply was because she told me on msn that she commented. Which is also why your comment is being replied to so quickly.
'And so, from hour to hour, we ripe and ripe;
And then, from hour to hour, we rot and rot;
And thereby hangs a tale…'
William Shakespeare, As You Like It, II:7
*sings* a realisation we all need to find, that it's all in our heads when we're changing our minds about loooove, love, about love...
Haha assuming it's about that... well even if it isn't, don't worry! It's probably just in your mind. It usually is. Be happy, it's the holidays =D (yes I'm still high)
εïз (c h i l l y), at July 08, 2007 4:53 PM
Must be the cabin fever kicking in from being at home too much.
Yuki, at July 08, 2007 7:28 PM
awwwwww i hope nothing's wrooooong!! is smth wrong?? boo alan! but dw, you have a bunch of friends to catch if you fall! though don't fall on me, i don't think my frame can support you, too veeeeak! but i can try!!
Anonymous, at July 08, 2007 10:00 PM
No, nothing's wrong at all. Just a couple of silly thoughts crossing my mind.
Yuki, at July 08, 2007 10:01 PM
1 minute to respond to kirsten's message...thats pretty fast ._. and wow...they actually have spelling check here on your comments. Apparently the name kirsten doesn't exist. Anyways there there Alan *pat pat&
(first time commenting though i have been reading from a long time ago ;D)
Anonymous, at July 08, 2007 10:06 PM
Hahah! I seem to have more readers than commenters. The snappy reply was because she told me on msn that she commented. Which is also why your comment is being replied to so quickly.
Yuki, at July 08, 2007 10:09 PM
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