I Need To Start My Own Organisation
I was reading a newspaper article today in the SMH when I came across an article in the Eco pages. The topic of the article: how the extinction of the human race would be the best way to preserve life on Earth. This idea was apparently suggested by a group called VHEMT (Voluntary Human Extinction MovemenT) and while it sounds an "like some sort of Monty Python spoof" (SMH, 15/05/07) these people are dead serious about it and it seems to have a reasonable following with thousands of people subscribing to VHEMT's newsletter.
Now, I've been proposing the annihilation of the human race for a long time now as a solution to many widespread problems; most prominently war and our dying planet. But nobody has ever taken me seriously and yet when an organisation proposes something as absurd as this, people are willing to take notice and even subscribe to these ideas? I should go start my own organisation, call it ALAN (All Life Anihilated Neo-movement) and then make all sorts of insane proposals. And despite my extremist sounding organisation name, my solution to the threat of global warming is much less extreme than VHEMT's. Rather than wiping out all of human life, I propose that we simply annihilate all life in America. Remember, it's a good idea because an organisation said so ;-).
Now, I've been proposing the annihilation of the human race for a long time now as a solution to many widespread problems; most prominently war and our dying planet. But nobody has ever taken me seriously and yet when an organisation proposes something as absurd as this, people are willing to take notice and even subscribe to these ideas? I should go start my own organisation, call it ALAN (All Life Anihilated Neo-movement) and then make all sorts of insane proposals. And despite my extremist sounding organisation name, my solution to the threat of global warming is much less extreme than VHEMT's. Rather than wiping out all of human life, I propose that we simply annihilate all life in America. Remember, it's a good idea because an organisation said so ;-).
haha! good one!
ur missing a word in ur post tho
'...ever taken my IDEA seriously..'
Regina, at May 16, 2007 12:35 AM
I think that was meant to be "...ever taken ME seriously". Fixed.
Yuki, at May 16, 2007 11:07 PM
Nothing like mass suicide to show how stupid people are becoming, although in this case I suppose it is the smarter option.
Killing all Americans? Is there really a point in going to that effort when students are feeling so bullied these days that rather then speak about it they would rather bring guns to school and kill everyone in their path?
I still think that one day someone (other then a terrorist) is going to get a nuclear bomb and blow them up because once upon a time they were bullied.
Anonymous, at May 17, 2007 4:59 PM
Ever get the feeling George W. Bush was bullied by Middle Eastern kids when he was at school?
Yuki, at May 17, 2007 5:30 PM
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